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Pesticide Action Network Europe. Sustainable agriculture, end pesticide dependency. For farmers, biodiversity, water, soil, good food and a healthy future.

Nov 9, 2023, 7 tweets

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There are 37 PFAS #pesticides active substances allowed in the EU. Sales are rising. Deliberate #PFAS spraying, contaminating food, soil and water. Yet, the EU has no intention to ban them.
NEW REPORT with @genefutures:…

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#PFAS are hazardous pollutants that persist in our environment and our bodies accumulating to levels that can cause diverse adverse effects. Some break down to water polluting #TFA.…

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37 #pesticide active substances approved in Europe are #PFAS. This is 12% of all synthetic substances. #PFAS boost pesticide stability, making them last longer in the #environment.

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#PFAS #pesticides are directly emitted into the environment. Soil, air & water, including drinking water, are contaminated. PFAS residues build up in crops, leading to PFAS residues in food products.…

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In France, PFAS #pesticide sales have tripled between 2008 & 2021. Flufenacet and Diflufenican from Bayer are the top-selling substances. German data by @BVL_Bund suggests the same dramatic growth.

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Our analysis of the top 10 sold #PFAS pesticides in #France 🇫🇷 shows that PFAS pesticide substances are persistent & toxic but they slip through the cracks of the #pesticide regulation.…

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#Pesticides are not essential to protect crops. The EU has committed to significantly cut its dependency on these synthetic substances in the next few years. Banning #PFAS pesticides is urgent!
#SUR #PesticideFreeEU…

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