Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Nov 9, 2023, 11 tweets


"@RepJamesComer is requesting all unredacted documents and communications from @USNatArchives in which:

▪️Then-VP Joe Biden used a pseudonym"




the pictures from the previous post



"What is the Biden Administration’s position as to why Joe Biden appears in govt documents generated when he was VP under a pseudonym: Robert Peters, Robin Ware or JRB Ware?"




"They are missing at least 1 pseudonym. Peter Henderson. The 2017-01-03 email to Hunter, ends with: "Love Dad"




The picture from the previous post



"I remember reading this over a year ago. Missing is "Peter Henderson"




"Hunter Biden Laptop emails reveal a Walter Mitty POTUS who sees himself as a Cold War spy: "Stingray67"




"account named "67stingray" __ signed as "Peter Henderson" __ fictional KGB spy that infiltrated the US Senate and operated __ novels written by Tom Clancy"

Joe Biden Reportedly Used Alias of Soviet Spy From Tom Clancy Novels in Private Emails



more screenshots from the previous article



‘A**Hole’ Who ‘Looks Like S**t’: Hunter Biden Scorned Bill Clinton in 2016, Emails Reveal…


Hunter Biden’s Business Partner Visited WH More Often Then Previously Believed, Visitor Logs Show…

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