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Sharing insights on Al, Tech Tools, Online Business and Productivity • I help you level up with Al, Tech, & Digital Skills • Al Educator & Writer @theprohumanai

Nov 10, 2023, 10 tweets

MIT is offering free online courses.

Now you too can learn elite-level knowledge:

No textbooks, no tuition payments.

Here are 7 FREE courses you don't want to miss:

1. Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science

Designed for students seeking Python experience and enhanced knowledge of computational complexity.

Check here 👇


2. Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python

An introduction to computer science as a tool to solve real-world analytical problems using Python 3.5

Check here 👇


3. Cybersecurity for Critical Urban Infrastructure

An introduction course for students seeking to serve as cybersecurity consultants to understand, help prevent and manage cyberattacks on vulnerable communities across America.

Check here 👇


4. Machine Learning with Python: from Linear Models to Deep Learning

An in-depth introduction to the field of machine learning, from linear models to deep learning and reinforcement learning, through hands-on Python projects.

Check here 👇


5. Data Analysis: Statistical Modeling and Computation in Applications

A hands-on introduction to the interplay between statistics and computation for the analysis of real data.

Check here 👇


6. Startup Success: How to Launch a Technology Company in 6 Steps

This course discusses the lessons learned by Michael Stonebraker and Andy Palmer during their start-up endeavors over a 30-year period.

Check here 👇


7. Becoming an Entrepreneur

Learn the business skills and startup mindset needed to embark on your entrepreneurial path from the premier program for aspiring entrepreneurs, MIT Launch.

Check here 👇


Bonus Gift for everyone:

My Ultimate GPT-4 Mastery Course:

• 80+ Chapters
• 700+ New GPT-4 Prompts
• 1000+ New AI tools

Here is the free link:


That's a wrap!

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