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Nov 10, 2023, 23 tweets

The insanity of November 11, 2023

Elvis’s Birth
88 44

Elvis’s Death
46 88

(88 - 46 = 42)


JFK’s death to 11/9

119 & 1119 (+1)

Including the end date

JFK death to 11/10 (111) = 1119

JFK Jr. death to 11/11 (1111) = 119

💥Note the +1’s

Ivana Trump’s Death to 11/10 (111)
1 year, 119 days

Ivana’s Burial to 11/11 (1111)
1 year, 3 months, 22 days

💥She was buried at Trump Bedminster with the ‘Back to the Future’ DeLorean parked at the golf course.

Donald Trump & Ivanka Trump’s Birthdays to 11/11

Trump’s birthday has +1

Princess Diana Birth
133 (Two worlds collide)

JFK Jr. Death

💥30 years apart/Marty went Back to the Future 30 years

Britney Birth

Britney’s Husband, Sam Asghari Birth

Ivanka & Britney born 33 days apart

Ivanka born on the 303 day of the year (33)
Britney Husband, Sam, born on 3/3 which is the 62 DOY

Ivanka & Sam birthday = 33
They are on ‘opposite’ days of the year
303 + 62 = 365

This gets tricky here, but ‘The Flip’ is about The Seattle World’s Fair, JFK assassination and 9/11.

Dark to Light
Old Testament to New Testament
911 to 922
911 to 119
Jesus to Jesus Christ
Jesus to Mary Magdalene

Two Trump’s

Trump = 88

Opening day of Seattle World’s Fair: 4/21/1962

Opening to JFK Assassination
216 👉 6 x 6 x 6 👉 666
Number of the Beast 👉 New Testament

Opening to 11/11/2023
616 👉 number of the beast 👉 Old Testament
622 ♻️ 922

The previous post referenced opening day of the SWF (4/21/1962)

JFK opened the fair via phone line in West Palm Beach

Closing Day to JFK assassination (10/21/1962)
133 👉 Two World’s Collide

Opening day = Old & New Testament
Closing day = Two Worlds Collide

Now you really have to pay attention here.
Two Trumps

Important to remember:

Ivana made a statement that Donald called her his
“Female Twin”

Donald publicly stating that he would date his daughter,
Ivanka if she were ‘old enough’.

Next post 👇

God of Duality
Time & Transitions

Janus = 11
Jesus = 11

Ivana said Donald called her his “Female Twin”.

Notice how the names Ivana & Trump mirror each other when separated.

We all know that Jesus/Lucifer = 74

I will equate this to the Old Testament

Here I compare ‘Trump’ & ‘Ivana’

Both names mirror Jesus/Lucifer
One in the Ordinal
One in the Reverse Cipher

So, Ivana/Trump represents Jesus/Lucifer

74 = 7 + 4 = 11

Twin Towers
North Tower
South Tower

Ivanka Trump was born with the same name a her mother,
Ivana Marie Trump

The ‘K’ was added, it is not on her birth certificate.

How do we go from Old to New Testament?
From Jesus to Jesus Christ?

We add a ‘K’
K = 11

Notice when adding the K, Ivanka mirrors Jesus Christ

Two Worlds Collide
Trump = 88

Jesus to Jesus Christ
911 to 119
For Mary

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