Steven Vago Profile picture
@nypost reporter

Nov 10, 2023, 7 tweets

Pro-Palestine demonstators in Columbus Circle confront an Israel supporter who starts sobbing.

“Cry, bitch! Cry!” a Palestine supporter yells at her.

Protesters left pro Palestine stickers on the Dior store

About a dozen cops guard Starbucks after Palestine supporters left stickers on the windows.

“Burn down Starbucks!” some pro-Palestine supporters shout

A protester leaves a “Murdered by Israel” poster during the march

“F-k you! You Zionist pig!” Palestine supporters yell at a Daily News reporter outside the New York Times building before cops separate them.

Palestine demonstrators kicks a door in at Grand Central

Anti-Israel protesters swarm Grand Central, splatter fake blood on New York Times building and set Israel flag ablaze…

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