Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Nov 11, 2023, 10 tweets


"🚨🇺🇸 Antisemitic Trump supporter dragged out of a Hillary Clinton rally after he falsely accused Bill Clinton of visiting Epstein island."




"Bill Clinton was a guest at Epstein’s private Caribbean island, according to courtroom testimony from one of Epstein's victims.

Bill Clinton's former top adviser Doug Band admitted Bill Clinton did visit Jeffrey Epstein's island."



Note 1

Jeffrey Epstein hosted Bill Clinton on his private island, documents reveal…


Note 2

Bill Clinton's former top adviser says former US president did visit Jeffrey Epstein's island…



(Alex Rosen)




"We run this comment section now."




"Pedos hate me for this one simple trick: @PPoachersLIVE || Independent Journalist || Clown World Enthusiast"


@PPoachersLIVE /6

"Lord forgive me for doing what I had to do to this rally 🫡"

"Hillary Clinton, Lina Hidalgo to speak at Sheila Jackson Lee's mayoral campaign rally Friday"



@PPoachersLIVE /7

"Hillary Clinton's goons weren't happy when I asked her why her husband visited epstein Island 26 times... video coming soon"



@PPoachersLIVE /8

"I was DRAGGED OUT of a Hillary Clinton rally for asking about Bill’s trips to Epstein island!"



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