@JoePajak This is awful guidance fir a BSL3Z pathogen
I didnt find any KN95 recommendation in this link
1/ gov.uk/guidance/reduc…
@JoePajak Seriously this is mind boggling
They know airborne transmission but fail to recommend high filtration masks
Its weird
2/ gov.uk/guidance/reduc…
@JoePajak 😬
This is banality of evil
Employers have no longer to explicity consider #SARSCoV2 in their statutory health & risk assessments
dont the know #longcovid is due to
Multiorgan invasive
This is still valid isnt it?hse.gov.uk/pubns/priced/l…
@JoePajak Source
⤵️ hse.gov.uk/biosafety/info…
@JoePajak ukspa.org.uk/coronavirus-ha…
@JoePajak hse.gov.uk/pubns/books/hs…
@JoePajak hse.gov.uk/pubns/books/cl…
@JoePajak This is still on the HSE.GOV.UK
@JoePajak Clinical laboratories have stronger guidance than the clinic itself?!
Isnt the infectious person the real danger?
Find the error
They didnt change guidelines for labs on international level
EU has rules
UK isnt in eu anymore
But guidance is valide hse.gov.uk/pubns/clinical…
@JoePajak hse.gov.uk/simple-health-…
@JoePajak hse.gov.uk/ppe/index.htm?…
@JoePajak hse.gov.uk/simple-health-…
@JoePajak @threadreaderapp unroll
UK has same workplace guidance problem as germany
3. Handbuch biologische Gefahren
Risikoklassen von Pathogenen
TRBA 462
Schutzstufen des Arbeitsschutz
TRBA 250
von Regierungsseite
wohl in rechtlicher Grauzone
zum Schutz der Arbeitgeber heruntergesetzt
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