Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Nov 15, 2023, 7 tweets


"Haley __ allowing people to post on social media anonymously is a "national security threat"

"as president, she will force "every person on social media" to be "verified by their name "




"I guess have to shut down my anon account if Nikki Haley is elected. And I thought that one State Department dude in the Twitter Files was bad for wanting to shut me down as an alleged Russian bot."




"I was wondering where @NikkiHaley
got the idea that the federal government should ban anonymous speech on social media."



@NikkiHaley /3

"It should be mandatory that all haters and losers use their real name or identification when tweeting - they will no longer be so brave!"



@NikkiHaley /4

"when people who were outraged by Nikki Haley saying it then want to cope and make excuses when Trump says it—as they do for Trump’s many indefensible and bizarrely left-wing statements."



@NikkiHaley /5

"This has to be one of the worst ideas espoused."


"I am highly suspicious of any politician who wants to use a crisis to infringe on our constitutional rights"



@NikkiHaley /6

"That would be challenged in courts all day long."


"She says that when she's president, the federal government will make social media companies verify users."



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