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a mind forever voyaging

Nov 15, 2023, 5 tweets


"The NSA Created A Massive Woke Glossary Pushing Critical Race Theory And Gender Ideology At Intel Agency

The agency's 34-page glossary defines terms"




"Intel agency’s 34 page glossary defines hundreds of social justice terms including “white fragility,” “transmisogyny"

EXCLUSIVE: Leaked NSA Doc Reveals Massive Woke Glossary Pushing Critical Race Theory, Gender Ideology At Intel Agency



"The following is a glossary of terms and language commonly used in dialogue regarding diversity,
equity, inclusion, and social justice to be used as a reference."

NSA - P65 DEiGlossar



Cryptologic Requirements & Dissemination



"A U.S. Department of Defense combat support agency and member of the U.S. Intelligence Community"


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