Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Nov 15, 2023, 6 tweets


"Justin Trudeau, in an intoned voice and citing reports from Hamas, warns Israel to stand down.

Benjamin Netanyahu responds to Justin."




"It is not Israel that is deliberately targeting civilians but Hamas that beheaded, burned and massacred civilians in the worst horrors perpetrated on Jews since the Holocaust. "




"All innocent life is equal in worth, Israeli and Palestinian. I urge the government of Israel to exercise maximum restraint," Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says as he comments on the ongoing Israel-Hamas war."




"He just doesn't get it, that no one anywhere gives a shit what he thinks. Nothing he has said or done has contributed to the greater good anywhere __ @JustinTrudeau remember you don't even get to sit at the big boys' table."



@JustinTrudeau /4

"If Israel wasn't showing restraint Gaza would be a smouldering hole in the ground, with no dead Israeli soldiers."



@JustinTrudeau /5

"You still can’t say “ceasefire”
to save lives on both sides?
That’s very cowardly."



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