Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Nov 16, 2023, 10 tweets


"You Are the Last Line of Defense.

This is the speech I gave in the memory of Barbara K. Olson @FedSoc."




theFP article

"My speech at the Federalist Society’s Barbara K. Olson Memorial lecture."

"she boarded American Airlines flight 77 on September 11, 2001"

Bari Weiss: You Are the Last Line of Defense…


Youtube video

The Last Line of Defense By Bari Weiss




"Bari Weiss at her best - must read, to the last word…"




"Antisemitism is never about the Jews; it’s a warning system. It’s a sign that the society itself is breaking down, that it is dying. It is a symptom of a much deeper crisis."




"She offers the most succinct and illuminating analysis of the ideology that was nurtured on campus, escaped to the broader culture, and now celebrates Hamas."




"Bari Weiss's Olson Lecture: You Are the Last Line of Defense. "There is no place like this country. And there is no second America to run to if this one fails."




reason article

Bari Weiss's Olson Lecture: You Are the Last Line of Defense…


"Thank you @JoshMBlackman"



@JoshMBlackman /9

"Time to defend our values—the values that have made this country the freest, most tolerant society in the history of the world—without hesitation or apology.



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