sonch Profile picture
One of the main accounts on here. Williamson voter. Also just a li'l lovable Twitter character I've been workshopping. Relax

Nov 16, 2023, 5 tweets

Using AI, I was able to take some old painting and make it better. First the painting. Notice how you can barely see what's even going on. Where even is this? Who are the people? Huh? You're too far away to really see the setup. Whole left side blank. Nothing here to grab onto.

I had the AI parse the image, & create a full description of it. Using that description, I had it regenerate an image and it was just way better. Instead of night, it's a gorgeous sunny day. It went ahead & moved the people outside. Everyone's smiling; this is a welcoming place.

This was a great start already, but what if we want to look deeper? What's this picture really *about*? That's where AI comes in. We parse the improved picture & create an even better one. Now the lights just pop. Everything more vibrant, modern. Just better all around.

What if we keep going? The AI is keeps showing an inexhaustible ability to add more details and nice little touches that enhance everything about the picture from the rather drab 'seed' pic we started from. Doggos, a city skyline. An incredible scene of friends. Comfort. LIFE.

Before/after. See what I mean? There's just no comparison. Which would you rather hang in your entryway? How did the AI 'know' exactly what the starting pic needed to complete it? Amazing.

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