Regina Bauer 🇪🇪🇪🇺🇺🇦🇫🇮🇸🇪🇮🇱🇬🇪 Profile picture
Entrepreneur, European, Estonian, 🚴‍♀️🇪🇪 🇪🇺 supporting 🌻🇺🇦🌻 Proud #NAFO member and a Baltic Hooligan. My tweets in Estonian - @atLakeNato

Nov 17, 2023, 29 tweets

Dear 🇫🇮 NAFO,
Here is the TG chat of those ruskies who plan to protest against the border closure in Finland.
Savinova is a full-blown communist and a Stalin admirer. Gleb Kudryavtsev is an IT specialist who left Russia in May 2022 and has held no position in Finland since October…

"I am worried about Finland's security, and it is important for Russians to have the opportunity to travel to Russia and back."
Why would they have the needcto travel to russia at all?It is such a dangerous country for them, they barely escaped.

”Limits ourcrights to meet with members of our families“. 😂 Go live in russia then.

And can we ask why? What are you going to transfer from Eu to 🗑️🇷🇺?

Literally “Bessmertnuy polk” (Eternal regiment, moscow-sponsored organisation) Finnish version.

“Going to russia is our RIGHT!”

Yes. Exactly. With weapons at Kremlin’s doors.

Lubyanka you mean?

One of the leaders is a rather peculiar creature. Elena Savinova, a full-blown communist, is a self-employed German teacher. AND a co-founder of an ANCO - autonomous non-commercial organisation promoting vaccination. And she is still employed there, what means her taxes found russian aggression. Is she a doctor too? No. A mouth for hire.

Can such ANCO exist in russia without authority help? No.
They have a political scientist as a third co-founder too.
If it walks like a duck….

Elena has her own TG channel - .
And it looks pretty telling.
Yet the reading is boring as hell - she has zero understanding how to create a blog and make it popular.
She mostly complains there how awfully Finnish society is organised. Yet stays there.
And loves to buy RUSSIAN schoolbooks so kid has no chance of growing up as a fully functioning member of Finnish

“Let’s go with ANTI-NATO posters!!!”

The other guy, Gleb Kudryavtcev, is calling to participate in… YANDEX PRAKTIKUM. Yandex is “closely cooperating with FSB” and is on “soon to be sanctioned” list. Back in June 2022, Yandex co-founder Arkady Volozh was placed on the EU sanctions list because of his financial support for the Russian government.


Conspiracy theories has entered the charts. 😂

Yes, you are famous now, smile and wave!
And of course we know you hate Ukrainians.

Why i cannot use ruzzian flag? What is wrong with it? - one protestor is asking. 😂😂😂


Going to russia is my basic human right!
I am a bit confused here. Last summer you were hysterically proving to have a basic human right to LEAVE russia…

Organizer of course decorated herself with 🇺🇦 flag. She is from St Petersburg.

"I'm not going to criticize my country and the president. If I can't speak the truth, I'd rather stay quiet." - he is talking about russia and putin.
A true good russian.

”We are against the genocide of the Russian-speaking population in Finland“ - go back to russia.

and they created another

”Brotherly nations of Russians and Finns, divided by stupid politicians.“
N, your kremlin metodichka is showing!

”For most Finns, the problems of Russians are even more distant than the problems of refugees“
You know, it happens, when you steal land and kill its people...

“But... But why can't we have a Rus/Fin flag? It’s so cute, like if we are brothers!”

Ukrainians will tell you what shoukd be done when you hear “bratskyi narod”. Something Simo Häyhä was exellent at. 😎

Zoomed pictures with books Elena Savonina brought from ruzzia…
“History of USSR”, “Dialectical materialism” - soviet ideology book.
Why would she need it in Finland?

“precisely thanks to its proximity to the Russian Federation that Finland is “the happiest country””

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