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Entrepreneur, Model, Visionaire, Muslim 🇲🇾🇵🇸

Nov 22, 2023, 27 tweets


This gives you an insight into why are they so obsessed with porn, s*xually abusing children and babies.

I shall start this thread with passages from the Talmud :

🚩Yebhamoth 11b: “S*xual intercourse with a little girl is permitted if she is 3 years of age.”

🚩”A gentile/non-Jew child (be it boy or girl) is permitted to be raped from the moment they were born up to the age of 9 years old”

This is another disgusting thread.🤢

Brace yourselves. (I mean it)

🚨 Rumors Are Circulating That Jeffrey Epstein Was an Agent for The Israeli Government 🚨

In the last 75 years, the United States has given over $130 Billion to Israel ⚠️

That equals more than $21,000 per person at their current population!

By comparison, the U.S. has only given an amount that equals approximately $1,700 per person to Ukraine.

The theory is that Jeffrey Epstein took U.S. government officials to his island, compromised them with underage girls, and then used that to blackmail them for multiple purposes including money laundering through Israel.

Former Director of the DIA, General Mike Flynn, took a massive risk for his life earlier this week and confirmed publicly that some U.S. legislators are currently compromised by globalist actors, due to their trips overseas where they “sleep with children” ⚠️


Community notes will say there is no official confirmation Epstein was an agent of Israel and that the United States only sent so much money to Israel to protect them and U.S. interests in the Middle East!

But even if some aid makes sense, why would United States taxpayers need to give such a large amount of money to a country ‘The Economist’ ranked as the 4th most successful economy in the developed world for 2022? 🚩

Credit : @MattWallace888

I’ll make it simple for ya.

- After this case went wide open, we have uncovered new revelations about Israhell.

- Jeffery Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell were Israeli Mossad agents running a blackmail ring to trap powerful people into becoming Israeli assets.

- Tricking them into sleeping with underage girls and boys.

- Epstein secretly records them and used it as a weapon against them.

- Both were charged with sexually trafficking children.

- Both found safe haven in Israel in attempts to flee the American law.

- One of them who got trapped was Prince Andrew (2nd son of Queen Elizabeth)

- Photo of Andrew with Virginia Giuffrey, then 17. Taken moments before “it” happened 🫂

- Virginia Giuffrey sued Prince Andrew and it went viral.

Introducing Robert Maxwell.

- Robert Maxwell owned Mirror Group Newspapers, publisher of 6 British newspapers including the Daily Mirror.

- A billionaire, Member of Parliament for Buckingham 🇬🇧

- Father of Ghislaine Maxwell.

- Epstein started his “work” with Robert before being introduced to her daughter, Ghislaine.

- In 1991, Robert’s body was discovered floating in the Atlantic Ocean, having apparently fallen overboard from his yacht. (Suspicious death)

- He was buried in Jerusalem.

- A week before his death, he became involved in lawsuits accusing Maxwell of working with Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency. (Identity compromised)

- Both the Israeli President Herzog & President Yitzak Shamir attended Robert’s funeral 🚩

- Why did two Prime Ministers attended his funeral? 🚩

Now let’s go back to Epstein, shall we?

- During Epstein's ownership, the island acquired local nicknames such as :

✅ "Epstein Island"
✅ "Island of Sin"
✅ "Pedophile Island"

- The “Blue” colour is definitely not coincidental. 💙

- Epstein Island was also called “Pleasure Island”. 🚩

- Reference to “Pleasure Island” was in Disney’s Pinocchio, 1940.

- Remember the scene where the boys turned into Donkeys?

I have broken down the scenes for you to see the hidden meanings:

🚩 Jiminy Cricket - A polite expletive euphemism for Jesus Christ since 1803. (Conscience)

🚩 According to the Jewish commandments, “Conscience is not always trustworthy”

🚩 How did Jiminy turned into a cricket?
- Jiminy realized that he could never escape his pathetic life and his own horrible parents unless he transformed himself into something else - something better. Free of the chains that forever bound him.

🚩 Who is Lampwick or Candlewick?
- in Del Toro’s version of the film, Candlewick is the son of fascist officer Podestà. I’ll-intended and with a mean streak about him.

🚩Keywords mentioned :
- Beetle
- Bread
- Framed
- Mama!

*I will explain the significance next.

- In the interview :
🚩 Ben Gurion (1st Israeli PM) “We saw the Palestinians as donkeys”

🚩 “What are you worried about the gentiles (non-Jews)? They’re gonna be our slaves one day”

- I have always felt uneasy watching it as a kid. Now I understand why.

- Disney declares support for Israel, donated $2 million.

🚩Keywords mentioned :

- Volkswagen Beetle was designed by a Jewish engineer, Josef Ganz.

🚩 Bread
- In 1264, the Polish Prince Boleslaw the Pious declared that “Jews may freely buy and sell and touch bread just like Christians.” It was a momentous announcement, but Church officials quickly moved to limit the Jews’ new right, forbidding Christians from buying “Jewish” bread, and telling congregants that Jewish-made bread was poisoned.

- Lampwick felt that he was double-crossed by the very people he thought would save him. He thought these were his people.

- Matrilineality in Judaism or matrilineal descent in Judaism is the tracing of Jewish descent through the maternal line. They don’t inherit their “Jewishness” from their fathers.

- Do you know why they’re called Island Boys? No, not because of their Cuban ancestry.

- A photo of them as kids posing with Epstein on Pleasure Island went viral.

- Do you know what child sex abuse and grooming does to you when you grow up? It f*cks your mind, that is what it does.🤯

- Do you know that it also leads to permanent psychological issues such as Incest? And other sexually deviant behaviours?

- The Island Boys admitted that Jeffrey Epstein was their “father”

Ex-Israeli Mossad Agent revealed:

“The entire Epstein operation was a honey trap operation to entrap politicians, policy makers, celebrities, people in the media eye, basically to become Israel’s assets”

- The internet went crazy after this notorious interview was aired. He was caught blatantly lying on air and on record. Liar liar pants on fire.🔥

- Ex-Israeli Mossad Agent reiterated that “Prince Andrew was being used as a useful IDIOT”.

- For those who don’t know, Prince Andrew was one of Epstein’s many many powerful guests at Pleasure Island.

(List of names down below)

- See also Virginia Giuffre VS Prince Andrew legal case.

- Prince Andrew settles out of court. Spared from giving out evidence in court. 🚩

Epstein’s “Black Book”

Includes :

- Donald Trump
- Clintons
- Prince Andrew
- Bill Cosby
- Woody Allen
- Tony Blair
- Henry Kissinger
- John Kerry
- Adnan Khashoggi
- Rupert Murdoch and many more.

Watch Bill Clinton and Bill Gates’s weird reaction when asked about Epstein 👀

During Epstein’s ongoing trial,

Trump’s David Acosta reportedly explained that he’d cut the deal with Epstein’s attorneys because he had “been told” to back off, that Epstein was above his pay grade:

“I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone.”

🚩 Samuel Pisar, the stepfather of Biden regime Secretary of State Antony Blinken, was a close confidant and lawyer for Ghislaine Maxwell’s father Robert Maxwell.

🚩 Blinken’s stepfather was reportedly the last person to speak to Maxwell before he mysteriously fell to his death off the Lady Ghislaine while cruising near Spain’s Canary Islands in 1991.

Remember Robert Maxwell? (Ghislaine’s father)

I’ll link it up for you:

- Pleasure Island (Pinocchio,1940)
- Disney supports Israel
- CEO of Disney’s son was named after Robert Maxwell

Ring any bells yet?

The tycoon was planning to publish a new World Encyclopedia of Religions and sought the saintly signature on the title page.

Hoping to con the naive nun into endorsing his latest money-making scheme, Maxwell boasts that her backing would be "worth three Book Clubs and the Whitbread Prize".

But as the action unfolds, it becomes clear that Mother Teresa has an agenda of her own. In return for the use of her name, she demands a contribution to fund her global network of 150 convents. "She was", says Curteis gleefully, "an even tougher bird than he was".

The meeting develops into a formidable battle of wills, with Maxwell abandoning his oleaginous flattery in favour of his customary bully-boy tactics as the negotiations drag on.

Ever heard of the “Missionary Position?” Now we know where it originated. 👀🚩

“There have been a few reports of infants having been infected with herpes by mohels performing this ghastly ritual.”

“That’s why health authorities e.g. in New York offer medical advice on it.”

This is truly disgusting to see.🤢

Introducing Creepy Genocide Jo.

“If I were a Jew, I’d be a Zionist”

🚩 Sniffing children
🚩 Inappropriate touching
🚩 Too close for comfort

This is definitely not normal ❌

Creepy Game Show Host giving off Joe Biden vibes. 🤢

"I got hairy legs that turn blonde in the sun. The kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up.”

“So I learned about roaches and I learned about kids jumping on my lap. I love kids jumping on my lap."

— Joe Biden 💙


Keep in mind that these are only the employees that have been caught.

Though it can’t be proven fully, there are likely countless more child predators working for Disney because of its involvement and targeting of young audiences.

🚩Disney has been entangled with sexual abuse cases in the past.

It’s not just the employees that should worry people, but the industry itself.


Multiple Disney movies contain suggestive ideas, and even go as far as containing pedophilic symbols.

Investigations done by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have shown that pedophiles will use specific symbols to indicate sexual preferences and to ‘TAG’ people.

This is only one of many films that contains such symbolism. Disney incorporates and hides symbols again and again throughout different films.

They are right in front of us without us even knowing.

For instance, in the film The Mighty Ducks, Jesse Hall’s helmet contains not one, but two, symbols 👀

🚩 Little Boy Lover symbol

Another movie containing these symbols is the 1986 Disney film Flight Of The Navigator.

The “Boy Love” symbol is found on the stairs leading to the ship.

These two photos are from a scene where the boy tells his parents goodbye.

He says that he’s sorry, and that he loves them.

Then he walks up the symbolized stairs and leaves.

There are countless more movies with hidden symbols of pedophilia;

Once viewers start searching for them, they come to realize how ubiquitous they are in films, toys, picture books, CDs, and even picture books.

Some Disney films even allude to child trafficking. Some view an example of this in Disney’s 1940 film Pinocchio.

In the film, the coachman hires Honest John, a lying fox, to collect “stupid little boys” so he can take them to “Pleasure Island”.

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