What do most Israelis think about #Palestinians?
A thread 🧵
#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank
A fifth of Israel's citizens are #Palestinians.
In a 2016 poll, half of Jewish Israelis said these Palestinian citizens should be expelled from Israel:
2/15 pewresearch.org/short-reads/20…
Almost half of Israeli Jews say they don't care about the inequality between Jewish & Palestinian citizens of Israel - according to this 2011 poll:
3/15 sikkuy-aufoq.org.il/wp-content/upl…
In 2004–2005, almost 1,600 Jewish high-school students in Israel were asked about their views.
This is how most of them described Palestinian citizens of Israel:
- "uncivilized" (84% of respondents)
- "unintelligent" (87%)
- "dirty" (84%)
4/15 machon-merchavim.org.il/wp-content/upl…
In another poll conducted in 2004, most Jewish-Israeli youths said that Palestinian citizens of Israel should be banned from being elected to parliament:
5/15 fes-org-il-pub.s3.amazonaws.com/Youth%20Study/…
Two thirds of Israeli Jews support having "separate neighborhoods, without Arabs" - according to this 2022 poll:
6/15 jppi.org.il/en/pluralism20…
In a 2018 poll, four in five Jewish Israelis objected to their daughters being friends with "an Arab boy".
Also, half of the respondents opposed having "an Arab resident in their building":
7/15 idi.org.il/media/11758/%D…
According to a poll conducted in May 2023, an overwhelming majority of Jewish Israelis – 86% – support the continued "Judaization" of Israel (decreasing the percentage of Muslim & Christian citizens):
8/15 en.zulat.org.il/human-rights-i…
Similarly, Israel's longest-serving prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, said in 2019:
"Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people – and them alone".
9/15 npr.org/2019/03/11/702…
Half of Jewish Israelis support the extrajudicial killing of injured & harmless Palestinian attackers - according to polls conducted in 2015–2016:
10/15 972mag.com/nearly-half-of…
In these videos, former soldiers admit that the Israeli military has killed #Palestinians who were already injured and posed no threat:
In this 2016 poll, approximately half of Jewish Israelis said that Israel should annex the #WestBank and deny local #Palestinians equal rights:
12/15 mako.co.il/news-israel/ed…
In 2020, thousands of people in 16 countries were asked if they opposed the use of torture.
55% of respondents worldwide said torture was never acceptable.
But among Israelis, the figure was just 23% – the lowest of all countries surveyed:
13/15 timesofisrael.com/among-millenni…
Half of Jewish adults in Israel deny the existence of the Palestinian people, according to this 2019 poll:
Recently, Israel's Finance minister expressed the same view:
14/15 moderndiplomacy.eu/2020/11/06/isr…
In some of the polls that are mentioned in this thread, Palestinian citizens of Israel were asked the same questions.
Usually, their answers were much more respectful toward Jewish citizens than the other way around.
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