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6'6; A20; The Bachelorette S17

Nov 27, 2023, 11 tweets

Rhodesia was the last attempt at a rebirth of philosophy. An aristocratic, militaristic, pastoral peoples installed themselves on the local farming population outside the confines of the industrial global NWO. Intelligent, cruel, astute, born to command, refined, courageous.

Rhodesians had a contempt for mere-work and manual labor. They played rugby, football, raced cars, and hunted for sport and at the beginning maintained an an antagonistic attitude to the peasant, the serf, the soil tiller.

Ultimately, the threat of philosophical rebirth was too much of a danger for the degenerate, dysgenic, matriarchal, global longhouse that rose to power after World War 2. Rhodesia had to be put down.

Global leftists, communists, jews, bioleninists, and the growing swarms of the Global South ganged up on them and snuffed them out before they could ascend to power.

One of the most beautiful dogs in the world, the Rhodesian Ridgeback, was selectively bred by the Rhodesians to be the perfect hunting companion, capable of pack-hunting lions, the king of the jungle.

These Rhodesian proto-philosophers were very sensitive to matters of breeding and eugenic attitudes towards improving these dogs.

Various breeding clubs formed to meticulously improve the Ridgeback to be the perfect dog:

Friendly with kids, athletic, and a ruthless killer

Who knows what literary, scientific, cultural, and philosophical genius these Rhodesians would have created had they had a chance to establish firm roots.

The story from the perspective of the first and only leader of Rhodesia is out of print and over $100.

Maybe friends like @0xAlaric or @CCrowley100 could find a way to revive?

Like true advocates of democracy, Rhodesians didn't just hand out citizenship and suffrage to anyone.

They carefully selected the makeup of their citizens; only significant landowners combined with a strict income threshold were allowed to vote.

Dual citizenship was banned.

Rhodesian women gained the right to vote much earlier on than most countries in the world.

Women were treated seriously, they were armed, had an auxiliary military service, and enjoyed great freedom in Rhodesia!

To all the trolls, remember only armed women over 21 who met the same landowning and income thresholds could vote.

Most women voted with their husbands.

Unmarried, blue-haired feminists, who worked at the local shop couldn't vote.

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