EyesOnChrist Profile picture

Nov 27, 2023, 22 tweets

@intheMatrixxx When they ask you about a dig on Singlaub, and you really know it’s a dig on Flynn…

@intheMatrixxx This is a great series to make the connections between Mike Flynn, Jack Singlaub, the Schlafly family, Opus Dei, the Council on National Policy.

You then have a decent image of the 2 headed bird that controls us all. The Matrix of control.


@intheMatrixxx This picture was taken at the Schalfly Eagle Forum. Phyllis Schlafly, Jack Singlaub, Mike Flynn, OPUS DEI, the right wing of bird.

@intheMatrixxx From our fren hibiscus. Singlaub’s (OSS/CIA), his relationships with mercenaries, fake Christian organizations and the overthrow of governments.


@intheMatrixxx Schalfly’s, Coors… etc.

@intheMatrixxx Malta, Malta, Malta.

@intheMatrixxx Singlaub, OSS, Operation Gladio.

@intheMatrixxx Singlaub, a founding member of the Western Goals Foundation, which collected intelligence on U.S. citizens.


@intheMatrixxx Through Western Goals, Singlaub was the mastermind behind the Iran Contra Affair.


@intheMatrixxx In 1982, the Boland Amendment passed, prohibiting the US from funding anti-communist Contra forces in Nicaragua.

CNP member OLIVER NORTH partnered with SINGLAUB to raise private funds. They raised money at 1984 meetings of both CNP and WACL/USCFWF.


@intheMatrixxx John Singlaub was a member of the CNP; Congressman Larry McDonald was killed Sep 1, 1983 on Korean Airlines flight KAL007. His death left Western Goals in Singlaub’s hands.


@intheMatrixxx Why would @GenFlynn be a board member of the OSS Society, which was tied to his mentor John Singlaub?


@intheMatrixxx @GenFlynn Bet you did “Not See” this coming. The ties of John “Jack” Singlaub to… literal Natsees.

@intheMatrixxx @GenFlynn This is nicht gut.

@intheMatrixxx @GenFlynn Nein, Nein, Nein, Nein, Nein!

@intheMatrixxx @GenFlynn Literally hurts Mein Kampf. 🍺

@intheMatrixxx @GenFlynn SinGlaub-alists AGMI.


@intheMatrixxx @GenFlynn Disgraced GEN Mike Flynn. receives the inaugural Singlaub Award at the Gateway Eagle Council.



This is an old image, from before Singlaub’s death.

Ole Tracy FrankNBeanz is right up in the middle.


@intheMatrixxx @GenFlynn Sorry… target of Opportunity.

@intheMatrixxx @GenFlynn On that note… goin out with a bang. 🍺

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