Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Nov 28, 2023, 15 tweets


Where Are Murder Rates Actually Higher? Not in progressive cities




The 5 cities with the highest murder rates & their mayors are:

St. Louis, MO - Tishaura Jones (Dem.)
Baltimore, MD - Brandon Scott (Dem.)
New Orleans, LA - LaToya Cantrell (Dem.)
Detroit, MI - Mike Duggan (Dem.)
Cleveland, OH - Justin Bibb (Dem.)



Note Article

Cities with Most Murders 2023



Soros Article

"Conservative rural America now has higher homicide and gun murder rates than liberal big cities"

Where Are Murder Rates Actually Higher?…


Blue counties tend to have higher homicide rates relative to red counties. Rather then denying this and letting people in these counties suffer, maybe the Soros family can try being honest about crime for once?




America has an enormous young black male gun homicide problem according to CDC cause-of-death data. Black men 15-34 die by gun homicide almost 6 times as much as young Hispanic men, who are comparably poor




The author of this report just so happens to get money from your foundation and your dad just so happens to be the #1 funder of progressive district attorneys.

What an odd coincidence.




The Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice (CJCJ) is a nonprofit nonpartisan organization whose mission is to reduce society’s reliance on incarceration as a solution to social problems.



"Murder and gun-violence rates have soared to higher levels in America’s deep Red counties than in liberal big-city counties often condemned for crime." Thank you Mike Males, PhD., senior researcher for CJCJ.




Where Are Murder Rates Actually Higher?

Michael Males: Conservative rural America now has higher homicide and gun murder rates than liberal big cities #crimerates




Where Are Murder Rates Actually Higher? Not in progressive cities but everywhere that supports these people & their voters




The pictures in the previous post.



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