A quick introductory history lesson on how the illegitimate president Barack Obama is Hitler's biological grandson.
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According to the declassified documents below, Hitler fled to Argentina along with other Schutzstaffel (SS) until he later died a natural death in a car crash in 1957.
In addition to Argentina, the SS also fled to the U.S.A via Operation Paperclip and formed NASA. SS also escaped to other countries around the world including Antarctic underground Nazi military bases as seen below.
Antarctica Nazi Bases Planisphere Hung Inside The United Nations.
The following family tree demonstrates how Hitler was secretly a Rothschild descendent and therefore is also part Jewish (Ashkenazi Khazarian Zionist). Meaning that Barack Obama is also a Rothschild descendent and also part Jewish. Rothschild, Hitler, Dunham, & Obama Family Tree
Adolf Hitler Was A Rothschild & His Nephew Was Evelyn De Rothschild (Owner Of The US Fed)
No wonder there are so many issues relating to Obama's fake birth certificates, the following image on the right below was faked using an Australian man's birth certificate.
Are Stanley Ann Dunham's vintage nude photos the reason Barack Hussein Obama II never mentioned his late mother or is it because she was a white Ashkenazi Khazarian?
While secretly impregnated with Barack by Bapak she moved to Kenya to give birth to him.
She married Barack Sr. in 1961 and this is how Barack II inherited his first stepfathers name. When it was clear that he was not his child the marriage quickly failed in 1964, and Ann married Lolo Soetoro in 1965.
Barack Hussein Obama Sr. & Ann Dunham
Lolo Soetoro, Ann Dunham Soetoro, Maya Soetoro, & Barry Soetoro
Ann Dunham & Barack Hussein Obama II
Ann Dunham, Barack Hussein Obama II, & Madelyn Lee Payne Dunham.
Relatedly, Ann Dunham's siblings (Angela Merkel, Theresa May, & Dalia Grybauskaite) are also Obama's aunts all of which also held roles of power as part of the Ashkenazi Khazarian Zionist Jesuit Illuminati Globalist Fascist Communist NWO agenda which has transformed
transformed from the 3rd Reich to the 4th Reich. The idea is to ensure the Illuminati offspring are strategically placed into high level positions in various countries to further the communistic Nazi World Order.
Angela Merkel & Barack Hussein Obama II: Aunt & Nephew Share A Kiss
This explains why US Congress quietly enabled funding under Obama's approval by lifting the ban on funding for the neo-Nazi Ukraine Azov Battalion via the 2016 Consolidated Appropriations Act. The Azov Special Operations Detachment.
Their very logo features the combination of the Luciferian Occult Nazi Black Sun and the Nazi Wolfsangel (one of the original Nazi symbols used by the 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich).
In the following video interview retired Australian Special Air Service (SAS) Lieutenant Colonel Riccardo Bosi discusses how Russia (with assistance from the White Hat Military Alliance) has been fighting a subterranean extermination war against the Ashkenazi Khazarian Mafia
This has been ongoing throughout the Khazar big pharma industrial complex genetic biowarfare depopulation agenda. Relatedly, on March 6, 2023 Michael Jaco hosted an explosive intel sharing interview with Ricardo Bosi. beforeitsnews.com/alternative/20…
And what if…let me dig out a few more on this subject. Part 2 up next. 🤔
Still being censored ~ had to delete link to be able to post the rest of the thread. 🤦♀️ proof 👇🏼
This was brought to my attention ~ we’re putting the pieces together 👊🏼
…more research 🧐
Dreams From Obama’s Mother: F.B.I. Most Wanted Fugitive Domestic Terrorist Elizabeth Ann Duke
Friday, July 26, 2013 thepostemail.com/2013/07/26/dre…
More research 🧐
More research ~
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