Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 Profile picture
J6 conspiracy theorist, insurrection denier. Former food blogger. Real Clear https://t.co/R50N6uQkSf

Nov 30, 2023, 5 tweets

Trump's lawyers filed a lightly redacted (per protective order) motion yesterday again outlining the parties they believe are part of the prosecution team.

These agencies have fingerprints on the initial DOJ investigation and Jack Smith's. The redactions are...interesting:

Not sure what these redactions are--related to Bill Barr perhaps?

As I covered last week, (JP) Cooney and (Molly) Gaston are now on Jack Smith's team. They wrote a letter to Barr blasting him for modifying SOP for election investigations describing claims of election fraud as "conspiracy theories"

More redactions related to FBI. Recall that D'Antuono (first name Steve, not Mike) headed up Detroit FBI field office during Whitmer fednapping then promoted to WFO a few months before Jan 6.

In April 2022, FBI opened two investigations into Trump: J6 and classified docs

Records under the purview of DHS are still buried. Also, we never found out what happened to all the relevant Secret Service texts (USSS under DHS) that were deleted after Jan 6 and never retrieved.

Not redacted but of interest.

Milley was highly involved in domestic law enforcement affairs before and on J6, which is verboten. He also told J6 committee he classified all his J6-related records after that day.

This, among other issues, is why he will never testify at trial despite claims by Jack Smith and Judge Chutkan he is a potential witness.

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