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Dec 2, 2023, 8 tweets

BREAKING: Judge Chutkan DENIES what I call Trump’s “monarchy motion” to dismiss his DC indictment on claims of total presidential immunity & Double Jeopardy. She opens by footnoting that potential interlocutory appeals, ones that can delay the trial, must go first. 1/

The position does not “confer a lifelong get-out-of-jail-free pass. 2/

“But defendant is not president, and reading the clause to grant absolute criminal immunity to former presidents would contravene its plain meaning, original understanding and common sense.” 3/

“Nothing in American history justifies the absolute immunity defendant seeks.” 4/

There’s no Double Jeopardy here. 5/

The indictment doesn’t violate Due Process either. 6/


Full opinion here. END/…

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