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Dec 3, 2023, 15 tweets

BREAKING: THREAD: Trump holdovers at FBI & DoJ and Senator Ron Johnson delayed 1/6 investigation into Trump in 2021. 1/

According to sources, JP Cooney, who is now on Jack Smith’s team, wanted to investigate Trump’s orbit including Roger Stone as early as February 2021, but D’antuono at the FBI (a Jim Jordan ally & the guy who delayed the Mar a Lago search warrant) blocked it. 2/

D’antuono called Mike Sherwin to warn him about Cooney. Sherwin is the guy who let Barr shorten Roger Stone’s sentencing recommendation (coincidentally written by Cooney) & let Barr drop the Flynn case. Sherwin and D’Antuono agreed to shut down Cooney’s top-down approach. 3/

Cooney wanted a task force to get the phone records of folks like Stone & Ali Alexander. He wanted to follow the money & investigate the funding of the big lie. He also wanted to subpoena the Willard. Sherwin and D’Antuono shut it down. 4/

Sherwin’s replacement was appointed by Biden, but the 50/50 senate power sharing agreement allowed the GOP to delay that appointment until November. Don’t forget, Trump also delayed the Biden transition team. 5/

Keep in mind, there are some republicans in the senate who participated in the coup & are probably not too excited to get the Biden DoJ team in place. The DC US Atty was delayed by RON JOHNSON, who actively participated in the coup. 6/

Sherwin resigned before he was sanctioned for his appearance on 60 minutes during which he violated DoJ policy. Trump is now using that appearance as a defense in the DC Jack smith indictment. 7/

Garland got there in March. D’Antuono ensured he was not made aware of Cooney’s task force idea. Lisa Monaco replaced Axelrod in April. Monaco was put in charge of politically charged 1/6 investigations and began probing the funding of 1/6. 8/

Then in September- before Sherwin’s replacement got there, she subpoenaed Sidney Powell and others. It makes sense she would have needed a few months to investigate before the first round of subpoenas went out. 9/

Sherwin’s replacement arrived in November thanks to Ron Johnson, and immediately appointed Windom to oversee the trump coup probe. Windom wanted all kinds of search warrants, but guess who told him no.

D’Antuono. 10/

Windom, undeterred, went to the Postal Inspector to get his warrants & subpoenas based on all the work Garland had done prior to Windom’s arrival. After enough pressure, and who knows, maybe it came from Garland, the FBI stopped blocking DoJ prosecutors in April of 2022. 11/

Two months after the FBI relented to DoJ prosecutors, the 1/6 hearings would begin. Yet somehow, people think the 1/6 hearings shamed the DoJ into action. 12/

Also, none of this is breaking. The newest part of this thread is six months old. I’m just tired of people blaming Biden & Garland for the bad acts of Trump, Barr, & their allies at the FBI. 13/

Did you know Trump is now using as a DEFENSE that his pals in the FBI delayed opening the probe? He’s using his own allies’ delays as a defense AGAINST the DoJ.

Blame the right people for the delays. END/

PS: Headlines matter.

The FBI is part of the DoJ, so people went with “DOJ DELAYS OPENING PROBE” instead of my headline: TRUMP ALLIES IN DOJ AND FBI, SENATOR RON JOHNSON DELAY OPENING PROBE.

Both are true but one is more accurate.

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