Kit Klarenberg 🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻 Profile picture
"Dangerous individual". Half of @ActiveMeasures8. Tipoffs/leaks/hatemail: Baksheesh:

Dec 5, 2023, 7 tweets

🧵: With Kiev finally being thrown under the bus in spectacular fashion (even I'm stunned by the pace and scale), important to revisit RAND report from January, which laid out a very clear blueprint for Ukraine's betrayal. Which, I'd argue, we've been seeing play out ever since.

This got no maintream attention at the time but was *hugely* significant (). RAND is massively influential and its recommendations are routinely adopted as policy, almost immediately after publication. Recommend you read in full, it's only 30 pages.…

RAND concluded costs of keeping the proxy war going massively outweighed the benefits. Warned Kiev won't make territorial gains in a future counteroffensive, inflation and supply chain disruption too much for Europe to bear, and Russia and China being pushed together.

Stunningly, RAND concluded these risks - along with threat of escalation into WW3 - sufficient to disregard "international norms" and jettison "debatable" ambitions of Ukraine regaining territory. I interpret this as "more will be traded away in negotiations."

RAND recommended slowly and subtly creating the conditions for Kiev's betrayal, and "a negotiated end in a timeframe that would serve US interests," as "a dramatic, overnight shift in US policy is politically impossible." The past year has been building to now. And here we are.

Interestingly, I was asked during my interrogation by counter-terror cops in May why I thought the US would betray Ukraine. One officer gave a lengthy soliloquy about the US' commitment to European security and preserving Ukraine's sovereignty and independence 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡.

British intelligence considers "claims the West is an unreliable security partner" to be an example of "disinformation" and "pro-Russian messaging". The same people admit behind closed doors Russian disinfo is often "factually true" 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦

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