AnnaOdesa, MD Profile picture
OBGYN, Odesa raised, Studied in Kharkiv and London. 🩺Medic. Clever hooligan stuck in pages of Gogol novel. Rider of Rohan. Ukrainian✡️, 🏴‍☠️🛹🇺🇦❤️🇬🇪

Dec 8, 2023, 18 tweets

You are telling me there is magical UN Security Council panic button called Article 99 that was pressed to stop #Israel but not while Russia has kidnapped, raped and murdered our children, put our people in concentration camps and mass graves?

You evil bastards 🖕🏻

You evil garbage of humanity did not use this rule to help Syrians, which Russia and Assad kill 22,981 children

You did not push this button for Chechens, which Russians put living in mass graves so they could execute them? How about total 20, 000 children murdered?

You did not push this button for Georgians, which Russians were so good at confusing death tolls that we still don’t know exact numbers

You did not push this button for Sudan, Yemen or any other African country Russia is trafficking, raping and murdering. And you bastards won’t stop literal Holocaust of Ukrainians. Millions forced deported into camps, countless forced to live among rats and starve

700k kidnapped children, some trafficking into illegal adoptions, some kept in 43 concentration…

Thousands of children, women and men raped and hundreds of thousands executed into mass graves UN can’t count because they were not left in street like they were in #Bucha

Raped tortured animals people found in graves together. Torture cells for children found in liberated areas. My friend who was part of first team of medics called into Kherson call me hysterical about finding beds with stuffed animals, little blankets, restraints, blood on walls.

Expanding mass graves in #Mariupol visible from sky.…

Survivors left living in ghettos surviving on rats, abused. Unspeakable crimes. I could show you photos of starvation in Mariupol, of hanged civilians, of tortured dogs with bombs attached to them so if someone go to help, it detonates.

And you could have Article 99 this at any time? So tell me, why are 15 thousand Palestinians worth more than over 500k Syrians in your scale of people to care about? Why are 6k Palestinian children worth more than 700k Ukrainian children in your scale of human worth?

Tell me why rape and torture of children is less crime than bomb? In your estimation sodomizing little boys until they end up with colostomy bag for rest of their lives is not casualty but bombed child is?

What is victim? Tell me this definition. Because in dead, Syrians, Chechens and Ukrainians beat numbers of Palestine. In permanently destroyed but alive victims, we beat all of them. We have 10 year old girls giving birth and 8 year old girls who will never have children because

Of how violently they were raped. We have castrated and raped men who can’t father children. Fucking disband UN. Disband every NGO, because you bastards are Russian owned or worse, you only value lives of people when Jews are involved in their demise. That’s real truth.

Just say truth. It’s not that you value 15k Palestinians more than 1 million #UyghurGenocide, it’s just that you hate Jews. Because I can’t think of one rational explanation

Why rape of 4 year old, her sister, mother while father was forced to watch and all were then executed is not Article 99 worthy. Disband UN and all NGOS. All. You are fraud.

Name and shame anyone who defends Russian genocide like this random American asshole who thinks our dead are manipulation. But Palestinians are only victims on earth because he hates Jews 👇🏻

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