Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Dec 9, 2023, 10 tweets


In the past I voted Democrat, because they were (mostly) the kindness party.

But they have become the party of division & hate, so I can no longer support them and will vote Republican.




Hey man, if you want to support a bunch of electric vehicle-hating climate deniers, that’s on you.

Not sure it helps the cause that you and your team have dedicated much of your lives to, but I guess you’ll get some attention




Hi Jon! You’re a good dude, but obv die-hard Dem, so have to support the party, but this Adminstration has done everything it can to sideline & ignore Tesla, even though we have made twice as many EVs as rest of US industry combined.




I know you’re mad that the guy who was part of a White House that made Tesla possible isn’t giving Tesla enough love now, but supporting climate-denying MAGA politicians who want to overturn elections isn't the answer.




I’ve just switched from moderate D to moderate R, as I think many independent voters have done.

We will know the magnitude of this trend in November. I think it’s big.




I think it's not.




I think in general labeling ppl as MAGA for taking a stand against the corruption of Democrats is wrong.

You're taking a stand against corruption. Ppl need to see the difference






Thank you for taking a stand against corruption.




Judging by the relentless hatestream from the far left, this tweet was spot on




It's an amazing thing when someone finally figures out that most of the hate in this country comes from the left.



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