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I expose how our Governments are tricking us. Destroying psyops. 🔍 1 at a time.

Dec 12, 2023, 13 tweets

🚨UK Government Claim: "This Year, Over One Million People Have Died From Vaxing"‼️


The UK government has revealed with new statistics that more than a million persons who had mRNA shots have unexpectedly passed away in the last 12 months.

The number of extra deaths in England has increased to previously unheard-of levels over the past few years.

Expose-news reports: By July 3rd, 2022, 18.9 million people had refused the first dose of the COVID-19 injection, 21.5 million had refused the second dose, 2.6 million had received the first dose but refused the second, and 30.4 million had refused the third dose of the Covid-19 injection, along with 8.9 million who had received the second dose but refused the third. These figures come from the UK Health Agency (UKHSA), a department of the UK government. (Reference)…

63.4 million persons were eligible for vaccinations during this time, according to data from the UKHSA. Consequently, 18.9 million people in England chose not to receive the COVID-19 vaccination and went unvaccinated.

Furthermore, 2.6 million more people declined a second dosage, which means that 21.5 million people did not receive a double vaccination, and 8.9 million denied a third dose, which means that 30.4 million people did not receive a triple vaccination.

These numbers translate into the following percentages:

Thirty percent of the people in England were still entirely unvaccinated as of July 2022. In England, 34% of people were not vaccinated twice, and 50% were not immunized three times.

But as the accompanying graphic illustrates, between January and May 2023, the vaccinated population as a whole accounted for 95% of all COVID-19 deaths, while the unvaccinated group accounted for only 5%.

Thirty percent of the English population was still unvaccinated as of July 2022. In England, 34% of people did not get two vaccinations, and 50% did not have three vaccinations.

As illustrated in the accompanying graphic, however, 95% of all COVID-19 deaths between January and May 2023 were attributable to the vaccinated population, whereas only 5% were attributable to the unvaccinated population.

What's truly frightening, though, is that these deaths aren't among the population that received one or two doses of the vaccination. The great majority, or 83% of all COVID-19 deaths among the vaccinated, are among the 4x vaccinated, who account for 80% of all COVID-19 deaths. (Reference)

Having said that, the data in the Office for National Statistics' (ONS) "Deaths by Vaccination Status" dataset—which can be downloaded or seen on the ONS website—makes for even more unpleasant reading.

The following graphs display all-cause deaths by age group between July 1, 2021, and May 31, 2023, according to vaccination status. To view the figures more clearly, click on each graph to enlarge it. In every age group, the unvaccinated deaths are displayed first, followed by the vaccinated fatalities.

However, the startling disparity in mortality rates by immunization status is seen without even having to enlarge the image.

August 2021 saw 676 deaths among 70–79-year-olds, the greatest number of unvaccinated all-cause deaths among this age group between July and September 2021. In September 2021, a startling 13,294 deaths among people aged 80 to 89 were the highest number of vaccinated all-cause deaths.

The age group of 80 to 89 years old accounted for 776 of the total unvaccinated all-cause deaths that occurred between October and December of 2021. However, in December 2021, a startling 16,171 deaths among people aged 80 to 89 were the highest number of vaccine-related all-cause mortality.

With 776 deaths in January 2022, people aged 70 to 79 had the largest number of unvaccinated all-cause deaths between January and March 2022. On the other hand, with a startling 15,948 deaths in January 2022, the age group of 80 to 89 years old had the highest number of vaccination-related all-cause mortality.

With 500 deaths between April and June 2022, 80 to 89-year-olds had the greatest percentage of unvaccinated all-cause mortality. On the other hand, with a startling 14,902 deaths in April 2022, the age group of 80 to 89 years old had the highest number of vaccination-related all-cause mortality.

Between July and September 2022, 493 unvaccinated deaths from all causes occurred among those aged 80 to 89 in July. However, in July 2022, a startling 14,286 deaths among people aged 80 to 89 were the highest number of vaccinated all-cause deaths.

The group of those aged 80 to 89 had the greatest number of unvaccinated all-cause fatalities between October and December 2022—604 deaths—among them. However, with a startling 19,914 deaths in December 2022, the age group of 80 to 89 years old had the largest number of vaccination-related all-cause mortality.

With 551 deaths between January and March 2023, 80 to 89-year-olds accounted for the largest percentage of unvaccinated all-cause deaths. However, with a startling 18,297 deaths in January 2023, the age group of 80 to 89 years old had the largest number of vaccination-related all-cause mortality.

The age group of 70 to 79 years old accounted for 405 of the unvaccinated all-cause deaths that occurred during April and May of 2023. However, with a startling 13,713 deaths in April 2023, the age group of 80 to 89 years old had the largest number of vaccination-related all-cause mortality.

These official statistics are particularly troubling because, since July 2021, the vaccinated have significantly outlived the unvaccinated in every age group, even though 30% of the population has not even received a COVID-19 shot.

So much so that between July 2021 and May 2023, there were 965,609 fatalities among the vaccinated and just 60,903 deaths among the unvaccinated. In other words, of the 1,026,512 deaths that occurred in England over this time, 94% were caused by vaccinations, whereas just 6% were caused by non-vaccinations.

This further implies that the Covid-19 injections are lethal and demonstrates that people are dying from them. Furthermore, there is little doubt that the COVID-19 vaccination significantly raises mortality.

What date will the government stop using them, then?

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