Pavlina R Tcherneva Profile picture
Professor of Economics @BardCollege; Director @EDI_Tweets; Research Scholar @LevyEcon; Author, The Case for a Job Guarantee…

Dec 13, 2023, 14 tweets

I am pleased to unveil a new Job Guarantee resource tool for scholars, policymakers, and engaged citizens.


Created by my team at the Economic Democracy Initiative @EDI_tweets, we feature a map with real-world programs that embody some of the Job Guarantee principles. The site also collects academic papers, books, legislative initiatives, surveys, events, FAQs and other information 2/x

In recent years, the Job Guarantee proposal has attracted global attention. From the UN Report on the JG to the new EU Resolution on Job Creation, to the US Green New Deal Resolution, it's a core policy for full and decent employment, economic security & environmental renewal 3/x

I was honored to offer expert opinion on the proposal to UN Special Rapporteur @DeSchutterO and participate in the launch of the report at the @un_hrc this summer. The report highlights the program’s key anti-poverty and stabilizing features, especially for developing nations 4/x

The largest job guarantee programs in recent history can be found in the developing world. Our JG map features programs such as India’s MGNREGA, South Africa’s Employment Stimulus and Expanded Public Works Programs, and many other JG-like programs (past or present) 5/x

Developed nations need a Job Guarantee too. Labor markets may be tight compared to recent history, but slack remains in many regions and living wages are out of reach for many workers.

Times of relative economic stability are ideal for implementing the program 6/x

With permission, we’ve included another excellent resource: the @LivingNewDeal map, which to this day serves as a great model for a job guarantee and documents the rich legacy of public service projects in the US.

In Europe, the JG has been included in various legislative efforts. Last year MEP @AuroreLalucq and I wrote a proposal for a Job Guarantee for Europe. It informed the relevant sections of the European Resolution on Job Creation that include the JG. 8/x

Our proposal highlighted the French Zero Long Term Unemployment areas as a model for Europe. The JG map features @ZeroChomeurLD, whose success w/ 10 experimental areas led to its expansion to all areas in France. The program has been central to policy efforts across Europe

The Austrian Job Guarantee pilot is especially important for the European context. Thanks to the careful design and evaluation by @LukasLehner_ and @maxkasy, this program has shown superior results to previous jobs program in Austria (e.g., Aktion) 10/x

Our website includes surveys showing the overwhelming popularity of the Job Guarantee proposal (which we will continue to update) 11/x

And we have a vast collection of academic research and policy papers on the Job Guarantee. Over 50 books and 300+ articles and growing. 12/x

I am pleased to say that my own book The Case for a Job Guarantee has now been published in 9 languages, most recently in Chinese 13/x…

We are grateful to our many collaborators and partners who have made the Job Guarantee central to their work.

Please send us any JG-related scholarship, news, events, or legislative work for inclusion in this resource.

We welcome your feedback.

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