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Dec 17, 2023, 26 tweets

The CRAZY Story of The Artur Brothers.

How the mercenaries raided a Kenyan Media House, dared cops to arrest them & seiged Jomo Kenyatta Airport.

Part 2.

After The Arturs Bros kidnapped two Presdential escort cops driving the president's baby Mama's car and stole 2 guns & 30 rounds of ammunition, they now felt protected.

On 18th Jan 2006, the two submitted application forms for their work permits which were surprisingly approved on the same day after their 316 files were verified.

Evelyne Chelugut, a Director at Immigrations to date, chaired the approval meeting

In their application they presented details amongst them an Emirates Bank Account No.22/016723/02 containing an amount of Dh 198575 (Ksh 8M) which they wanted to invest in Kenya.

This helped them fast track their approval & were now free to transact biz

Business that was fishy enough to catch the attention of NIS who received Intel in mid February 2006 that the two Arturs were trying to install CCTV cameras at their presidential suite of Grand Regency Hotel.

This forced the NIS to do a serious BG check on the 2 which resulted to discovering that the 2 were cons with no known business in Dubai and had been earlier deported from UAE in 1994 for trying to bribe a cop.

This discovery was a big mistake & a strategic meeting was held at their p.suite to discuss their relocation.

Wambui suggested a house in Lavington near the Cuban Embassy but they claimed it was too open.

They preferred a Runda home suggested by Raju Sanghani since they'd be able to conceal their activities from nosy people who had ratted them out to NIS .

The home they rented was House 977 on Glory Road, off Runda Grove & it is here their true colors came to light

At Runda, they held parties almost every Friday which they invited celebrities & media journalists from various stations to come share barbecue & drinks.

Celebs like da finest babes at the time Sheila Mwanyigha, Eve D'Souza , Ciku Muiruri...

Artur Margaryan being the man who charmed the president's daughter was a beast in these parties which can be seen as he carried one radio host Ciku Muiruri like Romeo for a pic

On weekdays, they'd cause mayhem in the city stealing vehicles & extorting businessmen.

They stole a BMW X5 from former Westlands MP son Babu Walji, a Toyota Harrier from Mr Bashit at Lavington & robbed Mr. Mohammed Merali off his 2 phones + jewellery worth 420K

On 1 March 2006, Raju Sanghani's driver picked them up from their Runda home to Raju's office at Twiga Towers.

Their pictures were taken by George 4rm Special Crimes who issued them with certs appointing the Arturs as Deputy Police Commissioners

Nerima later drove them to shops in CBD where they bought 20 reflector jackets at Kijabe Street & caps at Kimathi Street. Later they drove to Nakumatt where they purchased 20 wireless radios.

The purpose of these he didn't know but would the next day...

When he was called by his boss Raju Sanghani at the office at 6PM. There he met the Arturs with some friends and he was directed to drive some to I&M Building.

The others entered the Toyota Lexus KAQ 010W driven by President Escort Kirimi & headed for Likoni Road.

They were going to raid Standard Media Group b/c of a story the gvt thought was to be leaked. This was the biggest shock ever witnessed on Live TV as the mercenaries took hostage of the media house.

It was unbelievable to think that they were hired by the gvt but the worse was confirmed when the Security Minister confirmed it was gvt operative.

How they hired mercenaries could only be linked thru the president's baby mama Mary Wambui...

To hide cleanse themselves off the Saga the two Armenians later went to JKIA in 2 GK vehicles where they stage managed Artur Sargasyan arriving from Dubai while issuing a Press Conference at the VIP Lounge instead of the Duty Free Shops Lounge.

With them was lawyer Fred Ngatia.

The unapologetic nature of the gvt & disrespect of Kenyan land might by foreigners irked the The Enigma Raila Odinga who called them out.

In his words he said " Kuna Mamluki Kenya..."

Days after Raila called them out the gvt tried to save face by trying to arrest the Artur brothers from their Runda home.

But clearly they didn't know who they were messing with coz Artur dared them to their face to try.

On 16th March 2006 Artur Margaryan visited KTN offices to save face claiming he was a rich man who spends 150K on his bae but as he left the media house the crowd started baying for his blood calling him Mamluki.

He was saved from the irate mob by cops

The home invasion by cops & near public lynching forced Artur Margaryan to import 5 Dobberman dogs from Dubai. In addition he bought crocodiles which he said we're to beef up security at his home from invaders.

For the next month they remained under public scrutiny being the biggest scandal in the country. This however didn't faze them as they paid a Somali guy who paid a cleaner working at Immigration 750 to steal 3 passports for them.

These passports were registered under Russian names & on 8th June they lay a siege at JKIA trying to force the cops let their guest into the country without being checked.

At the airport they produced guns warning anyone that they don't joke.

This was the final straw and an insult to Kenyans on their land ...The gvt used this opportunity to raid their Runda home & swiftly deport them from the country.

At the home they found the stolen guns from cops, stolen cars & lost passports.

This deportation culminated to the president forming a commission to look into this Saga but as u know that's a cover up..

Anyways the doc is here..Ikikubamba wozap me pale 0719618489 nkutumie usome 4 information is power..

Meanwhile I hope you enjoyed na usisahau kabej..haha

They failed to retrieve the coca once they raided the Standard Group Media on 2nd March....When Baba raised alarm on 7th March on presence of mercenaries in Kenya the gvt hastily burnt the Coca in presence of UN on 26 March to try and save face .

The Arturs failed ..

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