As #MomsforLiberty's brand dips into free fall, the Midwest is seeing some shape shifting among Moms for Liberty #Ozaukee, #AwakeWI and #AwakeIL into #AwakeAmericans. 1/9
#AwakeAmericans appears to be a merger of #AwakeIL and #AwakeWI, with several right wing agitators known to activists in their respective areas.
There is excellent work being done tracking these groups, for example:
It has not escaped notice that other domains have been secured using a similar naming convention. This might be a hypothesis that doesn't lead anywhere, of course, but #AwakeMI was created minutes after #AwakeWI. 3/9
#AwakeAmericans was secured six months after the domains in Wisconsin and Illinois were launched and it was updated almost a year to the day of the other two.
It coincided with growing pushback to #MomsforLiberty.
What is strange is how had a prior history with a group using the same domain address.
This group was led by an evangelist (perhaps showcasing early #ChristianNationalism), Chuck Harding.
See also:
Harding has since left the organization to form #MissiontoAmerica.
His former organization continues at .
Same #Christiannationalism.
Different websites.
#AwakeAmericans #rightwingwatch
It is true that there may be spelling errors (singular vs plural) and that has no connection at all with ... but the Wayback machine shows that they shared the same url (just at different times):
There is certainly an emerging storyline around the links between right wing"parents rights" groups & evangelical-based #christiannationalism.
There is also a storyline around #MomsforLiberty looking to find a new "host" ... and a new life.
#AwakeAmericans 9/9
Much credit and recognition to the many eyes and ears in the Midwest (and beyond!) who have been tracking these right wing groups. This thread owes itself to those activists.
#SupportOurPublicSchools #Wisconsin
In the event that a reference point is needed for the above visual:
The CV for the leader of #AwakeWI is long:
• Failed school board recall (Mequon)
• School board candidate
• Grassroots leader (Rebecca Kleefisch)
• Chapter co-founder (Moms 4 Liberty)
• Chapter co-chair (No Left Turn in Education)
• Co-lead (FairforAll)
• RPOC vice chair
At the end of 2018 one went dark and on February 9, 2023 a new one went live.
(Source: )
#AwakeAmerica #AwakeAmericans…
It is not terribly surprising to learn that #Uihlein money has been linked to #AwakeIL via Restoration PAC.…
#Uihlein money was also directly linked to #MomsforLiberty's #ScarlettJohnson during her recall campaign in #Mequon, #Ozaukee County in #Wisconsin.…
See also:
#AwakeIL #AwakeAmericans
#Uihlein funding via #RestorationPAC.
As I said earlier, there are some great activists doing deep work in their communities tracking right wing extremists in school districts.…
#AwakeAmericans launch announcement on Instagram. (April 27, 2023)
#AwakeAmericans provides scholarships via #RestorationAmerica (#RestorationPAC).
This is, one supposes, how these organizations maintain their 501(c)(3) status.…
7a/ No matter which way you look at the domain names/urls, it's spelled #ChristianNationalism.
#AwakeAmericans #AwakeAmerica #WallBuilders
2a/ #AwakeIL draws from the leadership of #MomsforLiberty #CookCountyIL and #DuPageCountyIL.
(H/T to our fellow public school supporters in that area for the info)
#AwakeWI is essentially #M4L #Ozaukee County, #Wisconsin.…
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