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Dec 28, 2023, 13 tweets

1. This is Melanie Sloan, the executive director of the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) under @davidbrockdc, the group behind the lawsuit taking Trump off the ballot in Colorado. After seeing this video, I decided to do some digging into the other funders of CREW mentioned besides Soros, and I wanted to break it down by foundation.

2. The Arca Foundation

3. Anna Lefer Kuhn is the Executive Director of Arca. She previously served as a Program Officer at the Open Society Foundation and the boards of the White House Project, the Center for Working Families, the Urban Justice Center, the League of Young Voters Education Fund, and the co-chair of the Funders Committee for Civic Participation. From 2019 to 2020 she worked at the Aspen Institute. Currently she sits on the board of directors of the Solidaire Network, United for Respect Education Fund, and Americans for Financial Reform Fund.

4. Karen Mosley is the Program and Grants Manager at Arca. She previously was a Resource Organizer and Grants Manager for Southerners on New Ground. She also worked a decade as a social worker and case manager at Georgia's Department of Children and Family Services.

5. Nicole Bagley serves as the Vice President of Arca and a board member of the Sapelo Foundation.

6. Margery Tabankin is the Vice President of the Board of Trustees at Arca. She was one of the first women at Saul Alinsky's Industrial Areas Foundation in Chicago. She has also served as the Executive Director of The Youth Project, the Director of the Federal Anti Poverty Program: Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA), the Executive Director of the Arca Foundation, the Executive Director of the Hollywood Women’s Political Committee (HWPC). The Executive Director of the Streisand Foundation and the Executive Director of Steven Spielberg’s Righteous Persons Foundation. She is now sitting on the Board of Directors of People for the American Way, the Streisand Foundation, the Institute for America's Future, and Type Media Center.

7. Mary K. King is a professor of Peace and Conflict Studies at the UN-affiliated University for Peace. She served on the staff of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee during the civil rights movement. She also served in the Jimmy Carter Administration with oversight of the Peace Corps and the responsibility for the domestic VISTA program.

8. Janet Shenk is the Treasurer of the Arca Foundation. She was previously the executive director of Arca when she lead delgations to El Salvador to witness the impact of US support of the regime. She served as a Special Assistant to the President of the AFL-CIO and later deputy director of Wal-Mart Watch. She was also co-director of the North American Congress on Latin America, editor at Mother Jones, and field producer of several PBS documentaries on Central America. Currently Janet sits on the boards of Demos and the American Prospect magazine.

9. Mike Lux sits on the board of Arca and is the co-founder of Democracy Partners. He is a frequent blogger on HuffPo, DailyKos, and Crooks and Liars. In addition to Arca, Lux also serves on the boards of Netroots Nation, Americans United for Change, Progressive Congress, and USAction. He also co-founded and former board member o f Ballot Initiative Strategy Center, Progressive Majority, Women's Voices/Women Vote, and the Center for Progressive Leadership. He played a role in launching the Center for American Progress, Air America, and . From 1993 to 1995, Lux served as a Special Assistant to the President and Senior Advisor to DNC chair Donna Brazile and has had leadership roles in five presidential campaigns. Here's an article he wrote in 2022: MoveOn.org

10. Joseph Eldridge is a board of trustees member of Arca. He is a member of the Adjunct Faculty in the School of International Service at American University. In 1991 he established the Washington office of the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (now Human Rights First). In the early 1970s he co-founded the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) and served as its first director. He serves on several boards, including the United States Institute for Peace (USIP).

11. Amaha Kassa is African Community Together’s (ACT) founder and Executive Director. In 2012, Amaha received a Black Male Achievement Fellowship from Echoing Green and Open Society Foundations to support the launch of ACT.

12. Austin Belali Thompson is a board of trustees member at Arca. He served as the Executive Director of the Youth Engagement Fund at NEO Philanthropy. He was one of the largest funders of digital skills training for multi-cultural leaders across the US.

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