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Dec 29, 2023, 25 tweets

๐Ÿšจ#BREAKINGNEWS While the insurrection took this country to the edge of ending our democracy. It was merely a bloody smoke screen for what was actually happening within people we trusted most to uphold the constitution.

While people scaled the walls of the Capitol. Republicans worked behind the scenes trying to buy time for the ultimate coup. Let me explain. ๐Ÿšจ

Thread ๐Ÿงต๐Ÿงต๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿงต

Days prior insurrection elected officials toured our capitol with those that were there with bad intentions. Let's move on from this.

Elected officials that requested pardons and played a role in the insurrection and fake electors. Fake electors just needed more time.

Kenneth Chesebro played a huge role behind the screens. Orchestrating and getting Republican to sign on to this.

Donald Trump. "Just say the election was stolen. Leave the rest to us."

Now we know what the "rest to us" meant.

What exactly is the "Rest to us" meaning. Fake electors of course.

Let's pressure Rose and Donoghue to declare the election was stolen.

If this happened the fake electors may have worked. Unfortunately the Justice Department didn't find widespread voter fraud.

Senator Ron Johnson literally took fake electors ballots to the floor of the Capitol.

This is much closer than the insurrectionist came to overthrow our government. Even though the attempt was there.

Of course Senator Ron Johnson denied having anything to do with the attempted coup with fake electors.

With new testimony from Kenneth Chesebro this has now been proven a lie.

Senator Ron Johnson went as far as wanting to hand the fake electors to VP Pence himself.

Here is one of the many text messages shown, obtained by CNN. The plan was in place. It was just to deliver it home.

They even went as far as mail fraud. The fake Electors certification was stuck. The Trump campaign feared it wouldn't get to the Capitol in time.

So what was so significant that Republicans and Donald Trump would need an insurrection.

They needed more time. The plan was in place but they needed key party takers to play their role.

They needed these Republicans in the House to get the American people to doubt the 2020 elections. Success!!! This happened.

And they needed these Republicans to get the American people to doubt the 2020 elections. Success. They all lied but it was successful among MAGA.

They also needed Pence to accept the fake Electors that were feet from his hands. Just feet.

Pence would not accept the Electors or Trump's call that he has the authority to kick back down the electors. Just trying to buy more time.

This is when MAGA found out that Pence wouldn't do as he was total or be loyal to Trump.

"Hang Mike Pence."

After Pence refused and it was clean the fake electors weren't going to work.

Casting doubt on the election by 147 Republican House members and 8 Republican Senators.

Trump called MAGA to action. "Fight like hell."

This is why in all my years of reading, and reporting to you all.

The insurrection was horrendous and will leave a scar on the United States throughout our history.

The plan behind the scenes with fake electors was always the game plan.

Now hundreds if not thousand will pay the price as Donald Trump and the Republican Party fights section 3 of the 14th Amendment to fulfill their plan.

Their plan isn't over. If you think so you are naive.

2020 started it. The Supreme Court and the 2024 election will be our last hope.

Ending the thread with we must vote and our elected officials must stand.

Adolf Hitler didn't succeed his first time.

And as always hit the follow if you enjoyed my thread.

Here is my thread on fake electors.

You can support my work here if you like. I would much prefer a follow than donations.

Have a great day. ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

Also one last thing. Thank you to the amazing @Martina always supporting my post and just being a wonderful person who I absolutely adore. As a person and as an athlete.

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