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#PfizerWhistleblower of James O'Keefe - Producer of @vaxxchoice Proverbs 12:15-22 Ephesians 5:11-13 John 3:20-21 Check the highlights #notsuicidal

Dec 30, 2023, 8 tweets

📢 🚨 are you ready for a Pfizer information dump? 🚨 📢

When Pfizer mandated the vaccine in August 2021 to its employees, some colleagues of mine started a “Phyzer Vaxx council” there were hundreds of us in it, including high ranking employees.
Everyday we discussed the evils being done and the things we were supposed to just pretend was normal. I will also add to this post, internal emails from Pfizer, proof of my employment and just flat nonsense from the company.
🍿 enjoy, these have never been seen or posted anywhere else. Names have been blacked out to protect those still in the plant or those who didn’t give consent for their names to be shared. 🍿 it’s also where I first heard of project veritas/@JamesOKeefeIII and @Jodiomalleyrn

@prwright55 And no one with a large following cares a lot except @JamesOKeefeIII

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