Moe Ali Profile picture
Humanist, activist, full time doctor and part time social media user. I am here to share some medical knowledge and my thoughts on different subjects.

Jan 1, 49 tweets

In this thread I will take you back to live the moment and experience what is happening in Sudan.

You will be a Sudanese Civilian that woke up the morning of Monday 15th of March 2023. You will see everything like you are there and you would feel it happened.

This thread is to make you feel how people in Sudan are suffering, so please make sure it doesn’t stop with you.



If you saw it, its your responsibility to spread it.

Few days before everything started, people were noticing a huge amount of Rapid Support Forces Troop carriers and Tanks entering the capital Khartoum which was concerned as few described it back then.

There was few pictures from all around the different part of the Capital that those troops were seen at.

In the morning of the 15th of March 2023:

Things started from the Military headquarters in the middle of the capital Khartoum, no one fully knows what had happened yet but allegedly that the RSF tried to assassinate the Sudanese army leader Alburhan and he somehow managed to escape.

When the RSF mission in assassinating the military leader and creating ultimate chaos failed, they went immediately to nearest vital spot in any country, which was unfortunately very close by and had very minimal protection.

It was Khartoum international Airport.

At that time there were passengers on an airplane which was waiting for green lights to take off.

The RSF started a random attack on every at the airport and the military had to fight back.

The following video is showing footage taken by one of the passengers on that plane to the early stages of the attack.

Things escalated after that and RSF and SAF started exchanging fire in the middle of the airport surrounded by civilians everywhere.

The following video was from the airport waiting lounge and was taken by another passenger who was waiting for his flight. It was like terror was unleashed upon them

Things got worse slowly and both parties started using heavy weapons RBGs and Missiles which had a damaging and fatal consequences.

The following are photos taken months later to the destruction that happened that day.

The passenger who took the video from the plane lived and said that a random missile came directly into the plane which immediately killed 3 people and two lost their legs. He was sitting next to them and he saw all of it.

Footage taken for one of the airplanes while it was burning down.

The capital then became a battlefield, a full-on war happening and both parties are using everything they can use to .. weapons, RBGs and planes! And that was happening while 5 million civilians were in the middle of that.

Another video to show how inconsiderate and reckless both parties are.

The army became very aggressive and started focusing on using airstrikes are the main way to attack. They targeted RSF bases however, is civilians where near by they were just considering as collateral damage!

This was the result of those violent strikes!

Pictures are better than a thousand words!

The military was going to bomb the militia even if that included striking a weapon store that has thousands of hazardous materials and chemicals!

The army was also using drones to strike the militia who were of course wondering around houses occupied by civilians but again they are just a side damage!

How did the Militia responded to all of this ?

1- Humiliating civilians and torturing them in ways you would never imagine.

(Uncomfortable content coming)

2- Using extreme violence against civilians!

3- stealing everything they can from Civilians! And I am going to give few examples for that!

If your car has a problem and can not be stolen why not just destroy it then ?

3- creating and encouraging a state of chaos and instability where thefts and robberies are welcomed!

Warning ⚠️

A civilian getting stabbed in the neck and killed just to steal his phone which was never a normal thing before!

Forgot this one!

4- Burning everything that is vital to any country, banks, hospitals, hotels and government facilities!

The biggest hotel in Khartoum!

Transport stations!


Even bridges connecting the main parts of the capital were destroyed!

Few more!

And of course hospitals had its turn as well, more than 90% of the hospitals are out of service at the moment of writing this!


5- Doctors and medical staff were targeted and killed.

6- if they could get their hand on any military worker even if they were retired they would face horrible death.

This is what happened to the man in the video after being captured by the Militia!

Very graphic content ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️❌❌❌

7- group civilian massacres whenever the rapid support forces felt like it and without any reason!

Very graphic content again! ⚠️⚠️❌❌

8- Rap*ing women and documenting that on video! I won’t post it because it’s highly disturbing and for the sake of the victims!

And due to all of that 5 million citizens had to leave the homes and get displaced inside or outside Sudan to stay away from death!

It has not a couple of days or weeks, this has been happening since 15/03/2023!

And remember!

This is what has been captured, but its always way much worse than what you see!

Please #KeepEyesOnSudan

Please #SaveSudan

And please make sure you participate in increasing the awareness

To know further, please refer to this

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