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Jan 2, 2024, 7 tweets


I have just released the full report on politicians trading in 2023.

Like every year since 2020, US politicians beat the market.

And many in Congress made unusually timed trades resulting in huge gains.

Here are the top performers of 2023.

This year, Democrats absolutely dominated their Republican counterparts.

Dems were up 31%, and Republicans 18%.

Meanwhile, the S&P500 itself was up 24%.

Many traded despite conflicts in their committees in record numbers.

Read the full report here: unusualwhales.com/politics/artic…

Many members in Congress made huge gains in their portfolios after a market record year for $SPY.

Sadly many members had more trades than legislative votes this year.

Here are some of the highest realized gains this year.

Read the full report here: unusualwhales.com/politics/artic…

What is absolutely insane is that Congress was trading options once again in 2023.

Notionally, they traded more in 2023 than last year!

The amounts are crazy: +$150 million while Congress was in session including Pelosi’s $NVDA trades.

Read the report: unusualwhales.com/politics/artic…

Here is a longer table for many member’s portfolio returns.

The names are across the aisle, from Democrats to Republicans.

Famous traders like Dan Crenshaw, Nancy Pelosi, Josh Gottheimer and others all beat the market this year.

Read report here: unusualwhales.com/politics/artic…

Congress on average beat the market in 2022 and did better in 2023.

I will not stop fighting market and political transparency until Congress is banned from trading.

You can read last year’s report here:

Once again, Congress has beaten the market.

Since our first 2020 report, we showed how Congress continues to outperform.

You can follow any politician’s portfolio at

You can also read our full report here: unusualwhales.com/portfolios

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