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Jan 5, 17 tweets

More Jeffrey Epstein documents have been unsealed -

Adriana Ross (John Doe) removed computers from Epstein's Palm Beach mansion before the FBI could search the premises.


Lawyers for Virginia Giuffre were seeking Ghislaine Maxwell's communications with Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton

2006 Notes from the Palm Beach PD's Jeffrey Epstein files:

"Abigail Wexner - wants to talk to you @ something private"

She's the wife of Epstein client Leslie Wexner.

More from the Palm Beach PD Files:

One Palm Beach police officer "knew Epstein well"

"Could talk w/ Epstein knows him well. Info passed on to Capt."

We previously noted that David Copperfield was performing magic and asking about girls at Epstein's mansion.

Here's a memo for Epstein to call Copperfield.

Who else makes an appearance on the Epstein call logs?

None other than Harvey Weinstein.

From the deposition of known John Doe Sarah Kellen -

Asked whether there was an agreement between her and Epstein, et al to traffic underage girls "for sexual contact"

Answer: I must invoke my Fifth Amendment privilege.

From the deposition of known John Doe Nadia Marcinkova -

Q: "Were you part of the planning of that scheme of Jeffrey Epstein's to gain access to underage minor females?"

A: "Fifth."

More on Sarah Kellen -

She would direct housekeeping staff (who described himself as an ATM for Epstein) which minors to pay after they went upstairs with Epstein.

"Sarah told me pay so and so."

The Maxwell-Clinton connection:

Ghislaine Maxwell refused to comply with discovery requests seeking info on her connection with the Clinton Foundation.

They were seeking info on whether Maxwell (or her organizations) received Clinton funding.

Witness describes seeing Prince Andrew and Princess Sarah (Sarah Ferguson) at Epstein's home; also IDs Trump and RFK Jr.

Prince Andrew "spent weeks" at the home.

Prince Andrew is described as receiving "daily massages" at Epstein's home.

More on Trump -

He never stayed at the home. The house staff witness describing Trump:

"He would come, have dinner. He never sat at the table. He eat with me in the kitchen."

Witness describes meeting "President Clinton on Mr. Epstein's plane."

Note: that was not the Epstein/Clinton Africa trip.

Emails between Epstein and Maxwell -

Epstein tells her "you have done nothing wrong"

Epstein's network didn't care:

"i had lisa svenson the swedish ocean ambassador yesterday she said no one on her ocean panel takes this stuff seriously"

Epstein offers Maxwell a press release statement in response to new accusations against her.

Notable: Epstein suggests Maxwell say she wasn't part of his plea deal (meaning an unidentified co-conspirator)

One of the most serious allegations from this release -

That Giuffre was forced to have sex with "the former Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Barak"

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