Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 Profile picture
J6 conspiracy theorist, insurrection denier. Former food blogger. Real Clear https://t.co/R50N6uQkSf

Jan 6, 8 tweets

Thread on origins of "insurrection" description related to January 6.

Like all bad things, it started with Mary McCord nine months before J6. She claimed Trump's April 2020 tweets to "liberate" three states from COVID lockdowns represented an "incitement" to "insurrection."

Of course, the FBI helped McCord advance her claim: governors in 2 states (MI and VA) would be part of the FBI concocted plot to "kidnap" and "kill" anti-Trump governors:


During summer 2020, NeverTrump forces including John Podesta, Donna Brazile, and Bill Kristol led "war games" under the "Transition Integrity Project" that discussed Trump's potential use of Insurrection Act to stay in power.

Almost like they were practicing something...


Less than 90 minutes after the 1st breach of the inside, Dem lawmakers started calling the protest an "insurrection:

Joe Biden--with a speech ready to go at 4pm as the protest was still underway--described the event as an "insurrection."

Important to recall what was going to happen that afternoon that Biden, Dems, and NeverTrumpers like Mitch McConnell vehemently opposed: a 12-hour vetting of voting fraud in key states and a proposal to suspend certification to conduct a 10-day election audit.

The "insurrection" ended those plans.

The only blood spilled on Jan 6 was that of Trump supporters, 4 of whom died that afternoon, and others injured by police.

A few hours later, George and Laura Bush joined the "insurrection" echo chamber.

He now compares J6 to 9/11.

Mitt Romney around the same time.

If you know how many hands are typically involved in a statement like this, you realize this likely was hours in the making:

The same CEOs who just 7 months earlier were taking knees and donating to BLM as cities were under siege by Floyd rioters suddenly opposed political "violence"

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