Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Jan 6, 12 tweets


For those who have not figured out Trump’s affiliation with Epstein, allow me to explain.

Trump is the one who exposed Epstein in 2008, hence why all of DC fears him. Trump is Epstein’s #1 enemy.



Enforcing Federal Law With Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking



President Trump vs Child Trafficking...👀




President Donald J. Trump is Working to End Human Trafficking (13MAR18)



President Donald J. Trump is Working to End Human Trafficking




“Sex trafficking has largely moved from the streets to the Internet, where traffickers maintain control of victims across state lines, avoid law enforcement, and make huge profits.”




The Senate will act soon to stop online child sex traffickers



Ivanka Trump to host White House roundtable on sex trafficking bills




Ivanka Trump will host a roundtable at the White House on Tuesday afternoon to discuss controversial sex trafficking legislation that has created a rift in the tech industry, a White House spokesman confirmed to The Hill.…


By Signing The Allow States And Victims To Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act, President Donald J. Trump Provides Invaluable Tools Needed To Fight The Scourge Of Sex Trafficking (11APR18)



Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act of 2017


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