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Jan 6, 10 tweets

A thread of video clips of senior Hamas officials boasting, among other things, that Palestinians are ready to sacrifice themselves in resistance against Israel.


Ali Baraka, on Palestinians wanting to martyr themselves more than Israelis love life.

Date: October 10, 2023

Khaled Meshaal on Palestinians willing to sacrifice millions of martyrs for resistance.

Date: October 19, 2023

Ghazi Hamad on the struggle for total annihilation of Israel.

Date: October 24, 2023

Ismail Haniyeh: We need the blood of women, children, and the elderly to raise the revolutionary spirit.

Date: October 26, 2023

Fathi Hammad: The Arab world must rise in resistance, just like Palestinian children, women, and the elderly.

Date: December 1, 2023

Marwan Abu Ras: Young Palestinian men nurtured in mosques are more ready to martyr themselves than Israelis are willing to live.

Date: December 1, 2023

Saleh al-Arouri: The entire Palestinian population supports resistance.

Date: December 2, 2023

Osama Hamdan: Palestinians should die for the Palestinian cause because Palestinians are dying anyway.

Date: December 25, 2023

Ismail Haniyeh: The people of Gaza represent both the defense and offense of resistance. Pretty much an open admission that ordinary Palestinians are used as human shields.

Date: January 9, 2024

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