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U.S. Senator for Kentucky | I fight for the Constitution, individual liberty and the freedoms that make this country great.

Jan 8, 16 tweets

Everyone knows the old joke about detecting when a certain person is lying...Just check to see if their lips are moving.

In Anthony Fauci, a better test is simply to compare what he says privately away from the cameras with his public pronouncements, as his private words frequently directly contradict the many lies he tells in public.

As we hope to find the truth in Fauci’s @COVIDSelect deposition today, his deposition in the Missouri v. Biden case on Fauci’s collusion to suppress speech showed that for a supposedly smart guy, he doesn’t seem to “recall” a great deal when examined under oath.

@COVIDSelect My best estimate is that Fauci will answer “I don’t recall” more than 100 times over the next two days of testimony.

@COVIDSelect To understand the slippery nature of this man, everyone should review the top Fauci lies from my recent book, Deception: The Great Covid Cover-up.

@COVIDSelect Lie #1️⃣: “The NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.” - Fauci

@COVIDSelect Truth: Acting NIH Director Tabak admitted in October 2021 that the NIH-funded research at the WIV allowed viruses to gain function.

@COVIDSelect Truth: Fauci admits (in private in February 2020) that gain-of-function research was occurring at the WIV and precisely describes the research...The research he describes matches research grants given to the WIV by the NIH.

@COVIDSelect Lie #2️⃣: “Well, let me state for the record that masks are not theater. Masks are protective.” - Fauci

@COVIDSelect Truth:
Fauci in a private email to Sylvia Burwell: “The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material.”

@COVIDSelect Truth: “There is no evidence that they — masks — make any difference.” - Tom Jefferson,
Epidemiologist and author of Cochrane’s analysis of 78 randomized controlled studies on masks

@COVIDSelect Lie #3️⃣: Fauci maintains that people should get a COVID-19 vaccine regardless of prior infection, saying that the level of protection from natural immunity is uncertain.

@COVIDSelect Truth:
Fauci in response to a mother asking if her 14 yr old who recently had the Flu should get the flu shot: “Well, no. If she got the flu...She’s as protected as anybody can be, because the best vaccination is to get infected yourself...”

@COVIDSelect Lie #4️⃣: Feb 4th, 2020, Fauci publicly supports and privately edits a journal paper called Proximal Origins, which argues that the COVID-19 virus is “not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus.”

@COVIDSelect Truth:
Fauci writes on Feb 1st, 2020, summarizing a private discussion with the same virologists: “That they were concerned...That there were mutations in the virus that would be unusual to have evolved naturally in bats..."

@COVIDSelect There’s nothing more conclusive than catching a liar lying with his own words!

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