Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Jan 15, 6 tweets


Hamas plays a guessing game with three of their hostages.

1) All Killed
2) Some Killed, Some Injured
3) Still Alive

They claim to ‘inform you of their fate’ tonight.




these tweets came one right after the other in my feed. @Ostrov_A’s tweet sums up the depravity of @FareedZakaria’s tweet while Hamas is still committing unspeakable acts of evil against 139 hostages.



@Ostrov_A @FareedZakaria /2

think it's legitimate to ask questions about how Israel is prosecuting the war, btw. But he's not actually saying anything of substance - he's just virtue-signaling.



@Ostrov_A @FareedZakaria /3

In the video, the terror group asks viewers to guess whether they are dead or alive.

With the fate of the hostages being revealed tonight.



@Ostrov_A @FareedZakaria /4

But with the pro-terrorist marches in American streets, I wouldn’t put it past these disgusting people to praise this twisted psychological warfare.



@Ostrov_A @FareedZakaria /5

Hamas psychopaths think this is a game.

They released a video asking if these three hostages are dead, injured or alive.



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