Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Jan 16, 11 tweets


So @JamesOKeefeIII decided to ambush me during the water break of my workout class. I wanted to give the highlights as I enjoyed the conversation.



This post quotes a previous reply at



As far as his questions

Hope you got a good work out in @JamesOKeefeIII



@JamesOKeefeIII “Only a moron thinks DEI is about quotas”

“Why should I care how Harvard admits people”

You know full well DEI entails demographic engineering but simply don’t care.



@JamesOKeefeIII You left out the part, @mcuban, where your guy assaulted a guest holding an iPhone and made him delete the footage.

I’ve got camera backups

Stay tuned for the footage! 🤗



@JamesOKeefeIII @mcuban He didn’t delete it. He apologized and gave it to me. And you wouldn’t say you were filming it James. You just mumbled



@JamesOKeefeIII @mcuban Mark you’re lying. Just subtitled the footage off the hidden cameras not forcibly seized. And your guy posted to his IG grabbing the iPhone, and airdropping footage off it, before forcing the guest to delete it!



@JamesOKeefeIII @mcuban Brendan (@brendanrams on IG) grabbed the guest, turned him around and took the iphone, the guest asked for him to give it back. Brendan posted a video to his IG story which is below.



@JamesOKeefeIII @mcuban Brendan Rams posted both of these to his instagram just now. The text in the video is his.



@JamesOKeefeIII @mcuban 1/2



@JamesOKeefeIII @mcuban 2/2



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