Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Jan 18, 2024, 7 tweets


Biden was clearly wrong to blame Texas for deaths in the Rio Grande.

As a federal judge already ruled, Biden & DHS "create a perverse incentive" for migrants to make dangerous illegal crossings.



OAG Response to DHS Demand Letter 01172024 [pdf]


Biden admin admits migrant drownings occurred before Border Patrol alerted Texas officials

Biden administration had criticized Texas over the deaths on Saturday


Attorney General Ken Paxton Responds to Biden Administration's Demand that Texas "Cease and Desist" Securing its Border



Biden administration sends Texas cease-and-desist letter on border access

A woman and two children died Friday while crossing the Rio Grande in Eagle Pass, Texas.


Letter to K. Paxton from J. Meyer (1.14.2024) [pdf]…

Border Patrol Chiefs: Biden’s Border Crisis is “Overwhelming”…

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