Jason Koebler Profile picture
Journalist @404mediaco, former EIC @motherboard Signal: 1-202-505-1702 // email: jason@404media.co

Jan 18, 7 tweets

Google News is indexing and promoting websites that immediately rip off others with AI clones of their articles. These websites are absolutely littered with Google ads. Our website, in which real humans do journalism, is not indexed by Google News


Google's stated position on this is that it doesn't mind AI-gen content: “Our focus when ranking content is on the quality of the content, rather than how it was produced. Automatically-generated content produced primarily for ranking purposes is considered spam..."

Let's look at what Google considers "News":

Here is a site called "WorldTimeTodays," which is indexed by Google News. Its website is almost entirely ads. Lets check out its writers and articles...

Here's is "Gary B. Graves" Gary has "written" 40 articles in the last 24 hours. Many of the articles straight up steal identifiable images from other outlets. "Gary" rips off multiple times a day. Here's Gary on the left and Heavy on the right Heavy.com

This AI farm published the cloned article within 5 minutes of posting their article. The article itself is obviously a direct rip, with very minor AI gen tweaks (AI on the left).

The AI altered direct quotes in the article, for example. Heavy.com

Here they've ripped off a Distractify article about Star Wars YouTuber drama and write "let's be honest, War of Stars fans"

This is just one "author" on one website. There are dozens of these. The site , which has decades of "Google Juice" built up because it was once a real news website (sorta), is AI generated clones of articles from @WatcherGuru now Examiner.com

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