Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Jan 21, 5 tweets


4 GOP judges yesterday blasted Special Counsel Jack Smith and their Democratic colleagues on the bench for enabling the "unprecedented approach."



DC Appellate Judges: "Unprecedented Approach" to Get Trump's Twitter Files

judges on DC appellate court condemned Special Counsel Jack Smith and Democratic judges for breaking the rules to secretly obtain Trump's Twitter data last year


"Not every 'wolf comes as a wolf.' Perhaps the threat here was hard to spot. Nevertheless, judicial disregard of executive privilege undermines the Presidency, not just the former President being investigated in this case."



Calling Smith's application for a warrant and nondisclosure order an "end-run" around exec privilege process, GOP judges absolutely crucified their colleagues for ignoring the Constitution, case law

exec privilege litigation



Smith went to Dem judge in DC to get warrant for Trump’s Twitter data instead of asking NARA. Why?

NARA request would’ve triggered notification to Trump so he could assert exec privilege.



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