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a mind forever voyaging

Jan 21, 2024, 6 tweets


. @JudiciaryGOP investigating #FultonCounty Special Prosecutor #NathanWade. @Jim_Jordan spoke to me about concerns 1) how federal $ has been spent 2) prosecutors meeting w/ Washington Dems.



House Judiciary Committee announces investigation into Fulton Co. special prosecutor



House Judiciary Committee announces investigation into Fulton Co. special prosecutor

Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., has asserted that she filed a criminal misconduct complaint against Willis and Wade due to their "improper relationship."


Chairman Jordan Demands Documents and Communications from Fani Willis Associate Nathan Wade


judiciary house
wade-re-fulton-da [pdf]


The Fulton County District Attorney’s Office received approximately $14.6 million in grant funds from the DOJ

Wade billed taxpayers for 24 hours of legal work

all day and night without break on a politically motivated prosecution.



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