Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Jan 22, 2024, 5 tweets


A meeting was held in a villa in Berlin-Wannsee to discuss logistics and legal aspects of the operation of the extermination of Jews. This is the first page of the #Wannsee conference protocol.



Exactly a year after this conference, on 20 January 1943, a transport of 748 Jews arrived to Auschwitz from the Westerbork camp in occupied Netherlands – 315 men and boys and 433 women and girls.



German original and English translation of the Wannsee Conference protocol

published by the House of the Wannsee Conference in "Survivors, victims, perpetrators", Berlin 2018, p. 112-141.
(PDF,29 MB)


Haus der Wannsee-Konferenz

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