Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 Profile picture
J6 conspiracy theorist, insurrection denier. Former food blogger. Real Clear https://t.co/R50N6uQkSf

Jan 23, 5 tweets

I have obtained the transcript from Ray Epps' sentencing hearing earlier this month.

It's a doozy--asst US Attorney Michael Gordon admits Epps committed multiple crimes on January 6. Also lamented Epps being "unfairly scapegoated."

One of the "mitigating factors" in deciding to charge Epps with a misdemeanor instead of at least one felony incl 1512c2 was bc Epps was "the victim of this widespread conspiracy theory."

1,200+ "insurrectionists" would like a word, Mr. Gordon

LOL apparently Epps wrote a struggle session letter to the judge (as some do) blaming Trump for feeding him "the Big Lie" and insisting the FBI was not responsible for the insurrection.

Others tried to help law enforcement and settle the crowd. That is a fact. Also there is little to no evidence to substantiate DOJ/Epps claims he repeatedly tried to "tamp down" the energy. Key figure at 1st 2 breach points, remained on restricted grounds for almost 2 hours.

Judge Boasberg embraced general defense of Epps, claims he has suffered uniquely (he has been defended by same media/Dems that insist J6ers are domestic terrorists) and hopes he lives in peace.

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