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Jan 24, 2024, 43 tweets

Far-Left US Government Employees Conspired To Subvert President Trump, Gum Up Bureaucratic Processes, Strike, and Leak To The Media

A network of radical marxist bureaucrats conspired in secret meetings, plotting how to use their official positions inside the US Government to enact their political agenda.

Days before the 2020 election, a secret Zoom meeting titled "Feds For Democracy" took place between a group of subversive Marxists inside the US federal government w/ far-left protest organizations.

Hosted by "Democracy Kitchen" and "Feds For Democracy" and in participation w/ leftist affinity groups, like ShutDownDC.

3. At its peak, about 150 participants were on the call.

The Hosts & Speakers:

4. Participants backgrounds ranged from being far-left protest organizers, green energy corporate employees to federal bureaucrats, Air Force Lt. Col., National Security advisors, and those who worked in White House during the Obama Administration.

And even a trans porn star turned protest activist.

Participants Identified:

5. Secrecy

"What's learned in the room can leave with you, but what is said in the room stays in the room."

Participants are advised to "take those discussions offline" if they what to talk about high risk actions they want to take.

6. Icebreaker "Chat Storm "

"A lot of folks looking for solidarity, camaraderie, hope, protection, like-minded people." -Laura Adams

7. The Election Is At Risk

"..there will likely be disagreements about which ballots should be thrown away and for what reason"

8. Thwarting A Coup Isn't A Coup

"It is not a coup to act against a government or officials who are trying to prevent a legitimate transfer of power. We believe that every vote must count, we must count every vote"

9. We Have Power & Responsibility

"We have power and responsibility as federal workers... rules have meaning because we decide they do, we decide to enforce them." - Maddy Salzman

10. Tactics Depend On Your Role

"One important aspect is to think about what are the tactics you should take depending on your role. There's different types of roles in the federal government, and that means that there's different roles that could be appropriate for you to take"

11. Ideas For Fed Organizing

"We should continue conversations on direct action and how we can stand in solidarity with others, especially protestors in other communities."

12. Maria Stephan

"It is really great to be with you all in solidarity during this critical junction for our country." -Maria Stephan

"I have worked in the US government. I worked in the State Department for over five years." -Maria Stephan

13. Quoting Gene Sharp

"I want to start with this quote by Gene Sharp, who's one of the pioneers in the field of nonviolent action, just to get a little bit on what power you all have as individuals and as federal workers." - Maria Stephan

14. Gene Sharp - How To Start a Revolution

"This is a technique of combat, it is a substitute for war and other violence.

15. Subverting the "Pillars Of Support"

"If people in these pillars of support withhold or deny their consent and ruler can stay in power.."

16. Acts of Commission and Omission

"And another act of commission, albeit highly risky, and there are a number of great downsides, is leaking"

17. Acts of Commission - Tactics for Federal Workers

-Ask Questions
-Wearing Symbols
-Create a paper trail
-Leaking (high risk)
-Create Parallel Structures/Self-Organizing Units

18. Feds For BLM (Wearing Symbols)

"I'm wearing a shirt that I think is acceptable under the Hatch Act. Vote like Black Lives Matter. I would wear something like this and I think you'd be okay wearing that on the job." -Sarah Starrett

19. Leak Everything You Can

"..everyone who works in the federal government, if you read the mainstream press, like who is covering your agency, who is working for @propublica , who is working for @politico . They all have signal accounts. Text them, leak everything you can."

20. Acts Of Omission - Tactics for Federal Workers

-Go Slow
-Strike or Walkout (Illegal)

21. A Combination of Tactics

"I understand that it's important to refuse to " let the trains run on time", for those who aren't able to strike. What would that look like in practical terms?"

22. Inside Outside Strategy

"The importance of self organizing with colleagues from within the same bureau and across government agencies...connecting with civic groups and organizations on the outside"

23. Trump's Schedule F Executive Order

The group of federal workers express their concerns over Schedule F possibly being enacted in Jan 2021.

Schedule F would've required loyalty to the President.

24. What If Trump Wins?

"I'm putting my head in the sand on that one. I refuse to accept the possibility." -Sarah Starrett

25. Calling It A Coup.

While discussing scenarios, federal bureaucrats plan to name Trump contesting the election as a Coup. They plan to reject Trump's appointees and only assist Biden's Transition Team.

Break-Out Room Topics: 3 Scenarios

"All scenarios assume in the week after the election either there is no clear winner or that Trump is denying that he lost."

Facilitators Guide For Federal Employee Activism Workshop

This guide was distributed inside the groups "Movement Resources", an internal document hub.

28. Affinity Groups - Role of Facilitators

This internal document explains how affinity groups can operate together in clusters and the roles within.

29. Activism Resources For Federal Workers Guide

This internal document was distributed as the meeting ended. It's a tactical guide for federal workers on subverting the government from within.

30. Subverting Trump From The Jump

Doc. titled "Federal Service Articles" was linked inside the "Activism Resources for Federal Workers Guide".

It evidences that this network, of subversive bureaucrats, was behind the leaks that plagued the Trump admin and were plotting subversion before Trump was even inaugurated. @propublica leaks.

31. Stolen Election Action and Campaign

A document titled "Grass Roots Emergency Election Protection Trifecta Action Guide" By Harvey Wasserman was inside their "Movement Resources" along with many other election related resources.

32. Grass Roots Emergency Election Protection Trifecta Action Guide

"The 2020 election is not likely to be cancelled or postponed. But it CAN be sabotaged or stolen. It will not be enough this year merely to register and vote. Nowhere near...join election boards, become poll workers and poll watchers, and more."

33. Pressure Points

34. Voter Registration

"The first "leg" of the election trifecta is to register new voters, protect those now on the rolls, and restore those who've been purged."

35. Printing Ballots

"Paper ballots must first be designed, printed, and published. Simple typos and deliberate manipulations can destroy elections."

36. Vote-By-Mail

Mail-in ballots mass harvested and put in drop boxes.

37. Chain of Custody

"Tens of millions of paper VBM ballots will arrive at election boards"

38. Election Protection At Voting Centers

39. The Ballot Acceptance Choke Point

"In 2020, grassroots election protectionists must be embedded at the critical juncture of this decision-making process. In a massive VBM deployment, literally millions of ballots will arrive with small glitches, errors.."

40. Counting & Recounting Ballots

"In Ohio 2004, a federally mandated recount failed when official records from 56 of Ohios 88 counties "disappeared".

41. How to become an Election Protectionist

42. Elections Admin State Of Play (8.18.20)

Doc. shared in the groups "Movement Resources" outlining mail-in ballot margins in swing states, status on ballot drop boxes, mobile voting, vote-by-mail rejection rates, projected provisionals and election laws/litigation status.

44. Interactive Map of Swing States

Doc found inside "Movement Resources" and credited to Patrick Young, Shut Down DC leader.

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