Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Jan 24, 5 tweets


It doesn’t bother me in the least. A bunch of self righteous strangers thinking they are sending a message by erasing the past?

Let it be.😑



They had Jim Kirk on the show.

Whose idea was it for YOUR character to SCREW every female alien? You could have told Gene NO. But you didn't. Also screaming at people at a convention makes you lose fans.



For the entire 79 episode Original Series run Kirk kissed three girls. Kirk also had sex twice. In the entire series. Don't confuse memes and jokes with what was actually in the show.



Sweetheart, stop using presentism to judge a 1960’s show m. It makes you look desperate and silly. 🙄 (Notice how I used toxic masculinity to begin this?😉)






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