Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Jan 27, 2024, 11 tweets


Here's my full statement on border security negotiations



Statement from President Joe Biden On the Bipartisan Senate Border Security Negotiations…

No laws need to be passed. All that is needed is an executive order to require proof before granting an asylum hearing. That is how it used to be.



It’s pretty easy. Stop cutting the wire and purposefully sabotaging Texas’ efforts. Start funding security. Stop sending money to Ukraine and instead build a wall. Doesn’t take a genius. Though you are far from a genius.



Building a wall is a red herring. No wall is needed to fix this situation.

Border Patrol is being instructed to facilitate illegal entry at scale into the United States.



Biden created a magic word to get into the country.





,Stop the nonsense ,Ukraine must be supported ,You bee fly to Rašša and support Tramp from don't even dare to write under your own name.If the anonymous haters are disgusting 🇪🇪🇪🇪🇪🇪🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


- there.You

Mexico is a safe country. All refugees are required to apply for asylum in the first safe country they reach.

Crossing from Mexico to request asylum is invalid for 100% of them.



We should just build a big wall out of legos



My biggest concern is that there’s no sense of urgency. This letter does nothing from that respect, and reads more like a political statement.

More actions, less words.




Take the Ukraine garbage out and you have a deal... We don't want $60 billion to them and only $13 billion to secure ours, that bill is garbage and we all know it



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